2 min readMar 28, 2024

Mike Epps Unleashed: Kids, Comedy, and the Cost of Laughter

Mike Epps Unleashed: Kids, Comedy, and the Cost of Laughter

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Have you ever caught yourself mid-giggle at the chaos that’s supposed to be ‘responsible parenting’? Not because you’ve got it all figured out, but precisely because no one does — and somehow, that’s the universal joke. Welcome to the latest episode of the FOQN Funny podcast, where the theme is: ‘Kids Are Hilarious…And Expensive! 💸’.

Join us as comedy legend Mike Epps tackles the hilarity of raising kids, their unintentionally comedic mischief, and the thin wallet syndrome that plagues every parent.

Mike Epps with kids

In this laugh-a-minute journey, Epps recalls the good old days of parenting vs. the current era of ‘go to your room’ disciplinary tactics. ‘I should have got my ass whooping more, you know what I mean? But I’d rather take an ass whooping than a punishment,’ he reminisces, promptly throwing us back to the age-old debate of discipline with a hilarious twist.

Comedic childhood antics gif

But wait, there’s more! Remember trying to escape punishment with the relentless ‘Mama. Mama. Mama!’ strategy? Epps brings this to life with such comedic accuracy that you’ll be rolling on the floor remembering your own childhood antics.

Aside from the slapstick and quick-witted banter, Epps shares nuggets of wisdom packed between layers of laughs. He delves into the complexities of parenting, the legacy we leave behind, and finding humor in the smallest of moments. It’s a beautiful blend of comedy and candidness that strikes a chord.

This episode isn’t just for laughs; it’s an emotional rollercoaster that peaks with hilarity and dips into heartfelt stories of parenthood. Between ‘comedy moments in parenting’ and ‘kids say the darnedest things’, Epps proves that life’s best medicine often comes in the form of laughter, especially when it’s least expected.

What makes this episode a must-listen isn’t just the comedy gold mined from the trials and tribulations of parenting. It’s Mike Epps’ ability to weave humor into everyday life, creating a tapestry that’s as poignant as it is playful. This isn’t just another comedy podcast episode; it’s a slice of life served with a side-splitting garnish.

Listen to the full episode above now and Subscribe to FOQN Funny so you never miss a hilarious episode. Your ears will thank you!

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