Cryptoforecast Statement About CFT Token Listing

CryptoForecast — Blog and News
3 min readAug 23, 2018


Following the swap from Omni layer to Ethereum Blockchain (you can find here our reasons for this swap) in mid-April 2018 we were delisted by cryptopia. Because of this circumstance, we remained without an exchange where the token was listed.

During the last months, we have received many messages from users asking to know when the token was going to be listed on any exchange.
We want to clarify that, from april to now, our team, as well as devoting oneself to the development of the new platform, that is close to publication, has worked in order to protect at best the interests of those who had given us their trust by buying the token CryptoforecastToken (CFT) and accompanying us on our long journey.

For this purpose, from the day immediately following the delisting we have committed ourselves by contacting many exchanges. We have made contacts with a huge variety of exchanges, from those in top 10 volumes to smaller exchanges. All these exchanges were in the top 100 for volumes. This choice derived from the fact that on the one hand we wanted to offer our users exchange with good volumes, which would allow to buy and sell at best, while on the other hand we need of good exchanges from which a reliable price for CFT emerges because we intend to use CFT as a means of payment for our services.

In doing this, we came across obstacles of various kinds. While CFT in fact has, theoretically, all the legal and technical requirements to be chosen for listing, indeed, it is a solid reality with a regularly registered company behind it, what we currently lack is a community large enough to generate enough volumes for meeting exchange requirements. This circumstance is due to the fact that the new platform isn’t still operational — we wanted to delay its release in order to improve various functionalities — and so it lacks the propulsive drive needed to make our community grow at its best.

We are also working on some additional projects compared to publishing the platform to meet the needs of users who should greatly increase the cryptoforecast community.

While we are confident about the future of the project, we would therefore like to reassure investors that the cryptoforecast project is more alive than ever and at the same time the interests of our CFT hodlers — which we imagine already tried by the current bear market — are at the center of our attention.

We would also like to reassure you that while the recent downtrend of the crypto market is leading to the collapse of several projects, cryptoforecast is well capitalized and we have everything we need to continue our development activity in order to achieve the goals you can find in our whitepaper.
Moreover, we point out that soon, once the new webapp will be published, we will release an updated version of the current whitepapers and roadmaps.

Our platform wants to be a complete source from which to obtain all the data necessary to understand and analyze the crypto market. As a result we are working on a series of extra integrations between the tools we are developing, originally not foreseen by the whitepaper. These integrations, while requiring more time by the side of developmen, will give our platform exceptional versatility (see here for more explanations)

Yours sincerely and thank you for your trust.
Cryptoforecast team

Ps: In order to give you an overview of what we are working on, we report here the previously published articles on the blog with all the updates on the development side for the individual tools:

Great upgrades incoming to our Pillar algorithm

Coin Map: a new way to analyze the crypto market

CryptoLearning: 13 new forecasting algorithms based on seasonality

New indices and market cap for cryptoforecast users



CryptoForecast — Blog and News

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