The importance of Security in the new WebApp

CryptoForecast — Blog and News
2 min readDec 29, 2017


As we already know Cryptoforecast is a system for predicting market trends on major crypto and the old WebApp is reasonably safe.

However, we are developing so many userful functions for the trader that also contain “sensitive” data, so it’s also imperative to rebuild from scratch all the security system of login and authentication.

In the crypto world, security is a must because in the end it contains financial data, wealth and so on. In a scenario where technicians are very present it becomes absolutely necessary to implement new security standards that can be secure and scalable.

This part, called jokingly “Zenigata”, manage the communication between the modules that compose Cryptoforecast releasing of tokens that allow to recognize “read and write” permissions between the various modules using the APIs available from the same WebApp. Security standards obviously implements 2FA through the services of Google authenticator HOTP in order to allow user’s first access to the system, IP filtering and rate limit on IP.
Since DDOS attacks are increasing greatly, so in Zenigata we have installed a port control to decrease the attack surface and finally we implement everything through Json Web Tokens (JWT).
This new technology allows fast and secure Single Sign-On Access and allows you to logically separate the modules that make up the app. JWT also allows you to encrypt any data exchanged from the server to the client and vice versa.

It’s hard to go into detail on what kind of solution we’ve put in the field.
We can only say that the Team is working a lot on security related aspect.
There are many data to be protected in in the Trading Control Room.. what exactly is the Trading Control Room?

Don’t worry. You will see soon :-) — Trade like a Pro !



CryptoForecast — Blog and News

Predict bitcoin and cryptocurrency markets. All in one application thinked for Cryptotraders