Forefront Design
2 min readApr 22, 2016

2024 Olympic Logos

With the summer Olympics in Rio just around the corner, cities from around the world have started bidding for the 2024 Olympics. The cities looking to host the worlds oldest sporting event are Rome, Paris, Budapest and Los Angeles; so lets take a look at the logos that they all have.

Personally I think Olympic logos are notoriously bad. They have so many boxes to tick when designing them and they are normally about coming together and harmony that have nothing to do with sport.

The Rome and Paris logos are based on famous landmarks because it clearly represents the cities that want to host the games. The are both shown in an abstract way with smooth flowing lines showing the fluidity within sport. The Budapest logo also represents a landmark but being a less famous city it is harder to decipher, I do like how they use the olympic rings logo though. The final logo the Los Angeles entry just doesn’t look right to me, without seeing the text underneath I would think it would be for a film festival.

I think my favourite of these is the Budapest Olympic logo, its fun its vibrant and it does look like a celebration — which is what the Olympics should be.

To compare it to the current branding of the Rio Olympics I prefer it. I really dislike the holding of hands in a sporting logo, the athletics don’t want to cuddle each other they want to WIN! What I do like about it is the custom typography that works really well with the logo.

Whatever the happens to the branding in the 2024 Olympics I can guarantee it won’t be as bad as London 2012. We all know about the scandal that happened with this and what it looks like. Not even that, I don’t like how they came up with an icon for the games that only used the year.

Forefront Design

A Sheffield based designer, writer and nerd. Check out our website to find out more