The Perfect Cake

Kendra Anderson
1 min readMay 13, 2017

At just 20-years-old, Kyra Robinson has already perfected the art of baking. After college, Robinson has dreams of owning her own bakery, but in the meantime, she will continue to make beautiful works of art in the kitchen of her downtown Reno apartment.

On the menu this week: a lemon blueberry cake topped with cream cheese frosting and fresh fruit.

Watch along in awe with me, Kendra Anderson, as I learn what goes into baking such an amazing dessert.

Steps and Tips:

  1. Mix together 2 sticks (1 cup) of butter
  2. Combine 1 1/4 cup sugar and 1/2 cup brown sugar
  3. Crack 4 eggs
  4. Add a Tbsp. of vanilla extract
  5. Add 3 cups of flour
  6. Add milk and the juice and zest of 3 lemons
  7. Toss in blueberries: Tip — cover your berries in flour to keep them from floating to the bottom!
  8. Pan out desire amount
  9. Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees: Wait patiently like Meatloaf is demonstrating.
  10. FROSTING: 2 packages cream cheese plus desired food coloring
  11. Evenly spread frosting: Tip — do not under bake your cakes or tragedy will strike as shown in the video.
  12. Decorate, decorate, decorate!
  13. Grab your favorite plate, cut a slice, sit back and enjoy yourself. You deserve it!
  14. Refrigerate your cake
  15. Leave the mess for someone else to clean

Congratulations! You (hopefully) have a cake. Cheers!

And with the Reynolds School of Journalism, I’m Kendra Anderson.

