One thing that your brain hide from you and will fight to the last

Jaroslav Lipsky
11 min readOct 18, 2018


I want to talk with you about really weird thing. It is so weird that Luke from Starwars would be discouraged more, your brain — diligently ignore. Before simple story about you as “You”.

How big a scandal would it be in yours if I say that you are equal as any people in the street crowd? Not original and common idea that you hear before. Maybe but not so fast.

There are many things WE care about, but one of the most vivid and surprisingly ignorable things is our ability to believe in our not-unique uniqueness. Below I propose you tied ideas about endless life and humanistic dilemma to be father of yours being died at the same time. These ideas flow from current technologies, philosophy and science — not super fantastic — it is like to be in the 1970 and think about Facebook. Weird for 70s but commonplace for now.

I appreciate readers time, so to be short I will Summary ideas in the first part and explain more detail in the Introduction (short as I can). If you want to get ideas only — read Summary, for more curious readers — all.


It is like to be a children of own with saving memories of father.

Our societies need to review concept of ego-death-individuality:

  • You as me: YOU = ANOTHER = PEOPLE
  • Be born in infinity examples as children of myself. Being alive and died simultaneously
  • Copying of your mind in hope to life in another body — hidden death
  • Death is a relative thing
  • Your neuronal memory paths different that differentiate “YOURS”
  • Reincarnation is (VERY!) speculative but well-founded concept
What if Luke will be children of Darth Vader and father of myself?

But problem of such cloning is optional death


Your SELF foolish you. You are the same as other humans. It is not about a peace in the world just to say. It is about illusion to be self and distinction mechanism from others. Because you are copy of the human, your DNA example, variance but a copy, your body and mental state, biochemistry is a copy. Difference between you and the other is environment that create experiential memories + DNA that impact abilities. Environment create your way, your income, habits and world outlook. DNA boost abilities and harm your confidence when your genetics not inclined to math or music.

Your experience here is just a memory of past that plays through neural networks while you imaging something (even right now). Main problem of that is that your experience also illusion. It can be substituted through fantasy or physically by rewriting, removing structures for amnesia inducing effects. You will be confident — its mine.

What if Luke will be children of Darth Vader and father of myself?


Fundamentally, difference between colony of “unknown” worker termites and human society is very thin. We are examples of human being like a coke bottle. Every bottle is “unique” (sic!) with permissible error i.e. “mutation”. Every bottle had they “own” history: to be recycled into new, stand in pop art, drift in the Indian ocean etc. Recycling is a metaphysical concept of reincarnation. Reasonable idea with 3000+ years history. In my concept — “soul” and consciousness is common materialistic state like a solid rock, plastics or Iron. So it can be generated, synthesized in infinity number of examples — life cycle is not about a zero sum game — number of “souls” between 8000BC and AD1 was surpassed in current generation (that contradicts with old time speculation).

Andy Warhol was a genius
Canned soup ”SO UNIQUE“ in every example… (by Andy Warhol)
Marilyn Monroe like a canned soup (by Andy Warhol)


There is high probability that in the future we will able to copy our minds. In my previous article I wrote about an idea to send consciousness (and brain+dna information) to the far space AS INFORMATION (coded by photon impulses etc) instead of physical way. But problem of such cloning is optional and relative death. Your recovered you in another body is you but not you. Humans will not be able to view far planet BUT THEIR COPIES CAN. It is like to send your children with your experience. There is Expansion Dilemma of Humanity. Same problem can be with cryonics after reviving you as clone — you2 will be glad to asleep 200 years after even without any sense of difference but (s)he will be surprised about death of myself source (your frozen). It is like to be a children of own with saving memories of father. Transcendent ego is mind-blowing thing. For problem of impossibility of physical space traveling is solution in merging experiences received from a far space. But being died you just die and born new peoples as in old times, even if they are 100% equivalent of “YOU”. This simply doesn’t matter for you anymore.


Your ego is bulletproof wall and friend for our societies

Let’s start with your YOU. What is it? It is a subjective experience of one’s “self”, or “ego”. And what? Key word is subjective, i.e. in rough term — illusive. If you enough curious person you hear about ego death. It is a state when borders of self to dissolve that we find out from Hippie times and scientists (1,2,3,4,5).

This is why you are able to not experience blurring of the distinction between self-representation and object-representation (1), why you can “felt more important or special than others”:

Higher and lower scores for dissolution and inflation of your ego. Source:

YOU helps (you) to be a individualistic subject. But your YOU get out of the way when other peoples get out from tsunami. State to be a social is fundamental and help you to survive, but being individualistic is a thing that make us different from insect colony. By my opinion this mixed model is good and help anthropoids in evolution for intelligence development (intelligent individuals not the intelligent crowd only). To be short and don’t talk about economy I just give a word to Adam Smith:

The natural effort of every individual to better his own condition… is so powerful a principle that it is alone, and without any assistance, not only capable of carrying on the society to wealth and prosperity, but of surmounting a hundred impertinent obstructions with which the folly human laws too often incumbers its operations;

(1776, “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations“, IV. 5. 82)

Boosted intelligence of individuals increases crowd intelligence and decentralization (for more flexible and stable system).

What we know from our everyday life is that ego is borders. Borders that fade out under psylocybin or LSD intake (1). This illusion so strong as perception of colors. What problem? Colors do not exist! (1, 2)

You are a copy with mutations

Imagine: your best friend is ill and die in the next week. But you and your friends think to cryopreserve (freeze) him body with a brain in hope of reviving in the future for diseases curing (and maybe endless life). Meanwhile brain rests in the vat, science create technology that able to recover brain from DNA and micro-structural scans with ultra resolution. Moreover technologies progress so optionally you can upload this information into robot body i.e. being robots with usual mental state of being human (percept pain, love etc). Scientists recover your friend in full copy — you feel happy and won this battle. But at the same time you find out that original body of your friend was wrapped into black plastic to drive to the graveyard. What happen?! Your relationships after that fact? Even if (s)he remember all events with you in the past and don’t look as strange? New situation but the old problem. There is two examples of your close friend now:

  • original = father that died (as example science will be unable to recover biochemistry after frozing)
  • copy = children

Old problem? Yes. Inheritance of information. We as a body-consciousness peps just inherit information. Everyday, every generation:

  • DNA inheritance of body, mind and abilities: children inherit ~1/2 of parent genes
  • Dreaming as “virtual” death of conscious individual: we alive with old memory of tomorrow and last decades of years. Our consciousness inherit memories from brain structures. Consciousness being diluted during the Slow-Wave Sleep, literally do not exist — so can’t be connected to the memories.
Source: Massimini M, Boly M, Casali A, et al. A perturbational approach for evaluating the brain’s capacity for consciousness. Prog Brain Res. 2009;177:201–14.
  • In the REM stage consciousness grows up to normal level (1) and can contact* with past experiential memories for dreaming synthesis. (*subconsciousness can contact because it is a pure process of brain activity — but we are about consciousness here only)
  • Transient Mental States: biochemically induced effects that change your individuality during the day. Consciousness get memories as beliefs by subconsciousness caprice. Tired and aggressive, happy and peaceful. Hormones switch your wiring modes inside brain like computer logic if-else (hunger > low glucose level > limbic system intercept for more energy control developed in the millions of years > prefrontal cortex suffer > energy-efficient but bad control > bad work). Your individuality less stable than you think. Context from environment and circadian rhythms change active memory boundaries inside a brain. You just can’t live in a moment like a rock and keep in mind all from your life — your consciousness connects to limited in resources areas of memory map. Your mood and activity are flexible states during the day.
  • “The king is dead, long live the king!” (good metaphor for abstract life states)

So what with our friend? He died and not. He is a father of myself. You can get infinity number of your close friend (singular). So he can be in 1000+ of examples. But every one will be assure in own individualism.

For more clear case we do that with you: your brain was frozen because your health promise last vital signs. Science of the future can make your health to 20yrs back from 90. But you was engaged to the secret government program for cloning your examples to another closed artificial cities with full control of your movements under the pretext of postwar time like in George Orwell scenario.

OK. Now we have:

  • YOU-1 (your city)
  • YOU-2 (artificial program city 1)
  • YOU-3 (artificial program city 2)

Whom is you? Yes — all of them and nobody.

Why? Every of they “KNOW” and “lived” all details of “YOUR” life as you would. Any detail. Any like you. ANY. But they are individuals with egoistic mental stuff.

Resume: you share your genes with both of your parents and even grand-grand… Your genes is copy of information. No matter what these genes do: obesity, musical talents, strong body, strong attention or compulsiveness. Matter that they made not only your body and your brain that mean mental states and intelligence (1, 2, 3, 4). Your temperament and intelligence are equal to another physical props of your body (strength, height). We inherit DNA cocktail from both parents that builds up semi-clones with occasional mutations. But these mutations apply too small difference to make us really different from another people. We perceive similar feelings, programmed to common fundamental interests, recognize common beauty in spite of race (1) and compatible to reproduce new genes. So it is the reason why difference between peoples rather in their minds than in the genes.

You are a product of environment and your parents too

So much was written about it:

Idea is simple: environment create you but and test: attracts to the most similar and stress on resistance. Inborn abilities coded in DNA + nurturing that make some things easy or really hard for you: in brainy or muscle tasks. Education and work is challenge for newbie but poor educational skills followed from environment + average IQ (or ADHD in couple with bad environment) — solid, almost insurmountable difficulties for Ph.D pursuing, 1% high income or getting work of the dream. Rare examples of self-made from the dirt — rare. They are lucky hardworkers. Motivation of millions give us just 2–5% of rich, 0.003% super wealthy (1) and 0.000013% of ultra wealthy from Forbes Top 1000 and 0.0000006% from Top 50 (0.000000649% from 7700000000).

Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism

Being non-dogmatic person with tending to scientific approach I long time ignore religious cornerstones. But with every new year I tend to be more patient to complex contradict ideas. Throwing out manipulations from religious chiefs for control and gain power upon crowd, upon capital, progress and business relationships I find out humanistic and fundamental goods that we can get from. Removing any phenomenology from reincarnation idea we get compatible concept with recycling and reality itself

It compatible with materialistic concept of ego — as thing that can be populated in N examples. There is not any inheritance of previous soul because “souls” grow exponentially


  • that can be multiplied to new production volume by farmer efforts
  • rotten to disappear

Pop culture

Back to your individuality

We are experiential peps but problem of that that we just believe in the truth of our brain. In the most extreme cases — Schizophrenia false beliefs with paranoia, hallucinations. Another case is amnesia — impairment state of memory integration. In both cases issues with internal and external consciousness integration. So how we can’t believe into memories that looks as our? Every of your clone will be egoistic in belief of own authenticity.

Pseudo authenticity — thing for which brain will fight to the last. Reason why you still read but doubt. And it is good.



Jaroslav Lipsky

Frontend engineer but in free time read papers/books about consciousness