Race 44 — The May 2017, 100 Mile Challenge

FORTYBY40 to 1000
4 min readMay 30, 2017


Last month I completed my Fortyby40 races with the April 2017 100 mile challenge. A month has gone by so quickly and here I am at race 44. I know I’ve said it so many times in the past, and I’m going to say it again — I’m so grateful to have running in my life. The Fortyby40 challenge changed me. It showed me how far I can push myself and what I’m truly made of. Running is not just a physical activity for me, its one for the mind, body and soul.

I’ve been going through a journey and shift in the last few months. I’m training to become a co-active life coach and I’m in the midst of my studies. This has been completely transformative for me — looking deep and finding what my life purpose is. For me running and coaching go hand in hand — both create shifts and offer a path for me to live a life of higher purpose. As I go through this shift and work towards becoming a life coach, I’m going to keep running and running.

I wrote in one of my blogs that I had gained some weight with my Fortyby40 challenge. So much running that my appetite was going crazy and there was a lot of cake and sweets eating! Now that its over, I decided to eat healthy, shift back some of the weight and really eat right keeping well-being as my value. J wanted to shift some weight as well and we are both helping each other stay fit and eat right. I’m trying to eat more protein and stay away from processed foods and sugar. Lots of quinoa, lentils and fish in the diet. Initially I didn’t see much change, so I added strength work outs to my routine and seriously started watching what I was eating. I’m pleased to say that I’m seeing changes now and I’m getting toned. I have taken a commitment to saying NO to unhealthy eating, so here’s hoping that I can stay true to it. This is pic I took yesterday before I was heading out for a run.

Shift in weight and more toning this month

Now to the May 100 mile challenge. There have been glorious warm days of running in May. Really hot and humid on some days but honestly I don’t want to complain as we get very little warm weather here. Last evening was my last run for this challenge and it was one of my craziest runs with the heavy down pours. I’ve never seen anything like this before. I was drenched right down to my knickers and had to cut short the run. Most days have been great and a treat to see the green landscapes and the fresh roses. Here are some images from the Rose Garden. They have uplifted and inspired me throughout my runs in May.

Garmin Stats from my 44th challenge. Medal will be here next week so I’ll put it up in my next blog.



FORTYBY40 to 1000

Running Addict. BossWoman. Life Coach. Mum. Fortyby40 was my journey to complete 40 running challenges by 40. The dream now is to run 1000 races this lifetime.