“Vote Blue No Matter Who”?

Slogans Should Be Pragmatic

ALJ Randall
4 min readApr 11, 2020


The “Vote Blue No Matter Who” slogan just baffles me. I’m not talking about the merits or drawbacks of voting a straight ticket; that’s another article — or book. It’s the psychology of the slogan that makes my head spin.

What Is the Spirit?

“Vote Blue No Matter Who” is an order. It’s not “Let’s” or “We” or even “I’m”; it is the implied “You” who is told to obey. That’s just bad psychology. Whoever repeats the slogan is implying that “I vote for the good guys but you don’t. Get with the program. Don’t be stupid. Don’t do what you’re doing. Do what I’m doing.”

@Samantha4Blue: https://twitter.com/Samantha4Blue/status/699028408353751040

The tone is demeaning, condescending. It is also mindless. It tells someone whose political involvement is rooted in moral principles to not even think about specific policies of candidates; just assume their policies are superior because they’re Democrats.

That tone is self-defeating, counter-productive. It’s a spirit that drives people farther away instead of drawing them closer.

Who Is the Target?

“Vote Blue No Matter Who” targets voters who have doubts about a Democratic candidate. In this election cycle, that target is Progressives — primarily Bernie Sanders supporters. Exactly who are these people? They are people…



ALJ Randall

Forwarding justice, nonviolence, liberating learning…Writer, editor, composer, nana…We must all act with concern for others and the Earth we share…Last chance