Fragmented Soul : Gameplay demo and road map

Fragmented Soul Official
3 min readSep 22, 2020


Warrior posed in front of a slain forest giant.

Welcome to Fragmented Soul’s first gameplay demo! FS is the first MMORPG integrated with the Lamden blockchain. With Lamden’s blockchain integration, Fragmented Soul will have features found in no other game including: real time wagering (with assets of real-world value), on-chain assets, in-game governance, community voting (deciding the future development of the game), and more! This gameplay demo showcases the base, pre-alpha, version of FS. Using this as the base, we will expand and grow to create the fully functioning world that is Fragmented Soul.

Take a peak:

Fragmented Soul first look of game play.

You just saw: enemies, attacking, basic areas, basic menus, and interfaces. We will be adjusting a few of these features, for example combat will become hack and slash using a reticle rather than tab targeting. This will allow for combat to have a larger opportunity for skill, so you can shine. The item screen will become the Lamden item shop which we are still working with, in addition there will also be an auctioneer who enables the buying and selling of these items between players. The best part is that all of this will be doable in-game!

Below is a road map detailing our plans for the rest of this year:

FS basic roadmap V1.

First we will be raising development funds via the Founders Token sale for team expansion. Most of this will go to development, although a small portion will also be going to marketing. We will be holding off on most of our marketing until December of 2020 when the game is in its final stages before the initial beta release. Following the token sale and the team’s expansion, we will keep up with game development and will be providing weekly updates, often including screenshots.

Up next, we will be creating a sample version of the game which will be integrated with the Lamden Wallet (which you can download here: and the ability to send and receive funds in-game! We are very excited, as this will be the first successful blockchain integration with Fragmented Soul, and Lamden’s first MMORPG!

From there, many smaller events and updates will eventually lead to our internal game release where we will be allowing a few hundred beta key holders to try out the game (and help with stress testing and finding bugs). Once we are satisfied with the results we will be releasing the first closed-beta version of Fragmented Soul.

Following the main launch of Fragmented Soul, multiple expansions will be released including more content, additional servers, and expanded player volume. We do not want FS to get shocked by a massive influx of players — slow and steady wins the race!

Follow us on the journey of progressing into the first fully functional MMORPG with blockchain functionality. Below are some 3D models of some basic weapons we will be using in game, just as a teaser!

Basic great sword.
basic shield
basic 2 handed axe
basic long bow
basic 1 handed mace

Make sure to follow us on Medium to keep up to date, and join our community telegram!



Fragmented Soul Official

Official Medium for the 2D MMORPG built on lamden blockchain.