How to use ChatGPT APIs in Python 🤖🐍

Francesco Zuppichini
3 min readMar 1, 2023

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Code is here

OpenAI ChatGPT APIs are out! They open a new endless possibilities. Today we’re going to see how to use them in Python


Get an API key

Log into OpenAI website and, if you are not on the free tier, add a credit card. After that go to the profile section (top right) and click on View API keys.

OpenAI dashboar Profile highlight

Then click on Create new secret key and store your key, you will need it later.

Install pip package

Now, install the openai pip package

pip install --upgrade openai

We’re ready to go!

Make a simple request

The official doc is here. To make a simple request, you will need to import the openai package and call the openai.ChatCompletion.create method by passing the model id and a list of messages.

import openai

chat_completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
# system…

