The Win Without Pitching Manifesto by Blair EnnsA personal note of thoughts and key takeawaysSep 14, 20193Sep 14, 20193
Creative Confidence by David & Tom KellyUnleashing the creative potential within us allJan 25, 2019Jan 25, 2019
Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon10 Things Nobody Told You About Being CreativeApr 6, 2018Apr 6, 2018
Published inSymph StoriesDribbble Design Talks : Cebu Meetup 2016A creative comeback for Cebu’s design communityFeb 3, 2017Feb 3, 2017
My Father of ComputingMy roots and influence to the world of computers is actually quite deeper then expected — whenever I think about it. But just incase you’re…Dec 19, 2016Dec 19, 2016
Published inSymph Stories#FrontendFridays Series: Code in the DarkSo, Frontend Fridays is basically a weekly meetup we do for designers & creative coders — which kinda happens every Friday. (duh)Jun 17, 2016Jun 17, 2016