The Last Jedi — Is it really THAT bad?

Please note that this is just my opinion/analysis and I’m not trying to invalidate yours by explaining the reasoning I believe is why many hate the new Star Wars film.

Franco Charlie
2 min readDec 22, 2017

(No spoilers, don’t worry.)

I feel like the vast majority has put the original Star Wars trilogy on such a high pedestal that they can’t seem to realize that this new trilogy is exactly everything that is Star Wars. Not even just in the homages, but in the general execution and story dynamics/elements. A lot of people praise the original trilogy as if it’s perfect and are highly critical of the rest of the franchise as if the prequels and these new installments don’t at all do the cinematic universe of Star Wars any justice.

The romances? Just as corny and lame as the original trilogy. The humor? Just as corny and lame as the original trilogy. The dialogue? Just as corny and lame as the original trilogy. The character development and weirdly inserted story arcs? Just as corny and lame and weirdly rushed and inserted as the original trilogy. The special and practical effects? Improved. Overall production and execution? Improved. Albeit, I’m highly critical of movies that force romance, humor, and other unnecessary plot elements, I’m not so focused on those things to not know that Star Wars has always been that way.

Everyone that really hates the new movies I feel is just being nit-picky about minor details and refuse to accept that Star Wars has always been as “bad” as they think the new movies are. I’ve rewatched all of the Star Wars films enough times in my life to know that it has always been like this. The only real differences are in the general visuals and cinematographic execution.

I’m not trying to attack anyone for their opinions. I just think a lot of people are trapped in the kind of nostalgia of the original Star Wars trilogy that they refuse to realize the things of I’ve mentioned above.

I actually believe The Last Jedi is one of the best in the whole franchise. Yes, it has some major flaws that I’m choosing to ignore because overall it was a great film (in it’s genre/subcategory of film). Is it in my top ten favorite films of all time? Nope. But it’s not as bad as people think.



Franco Charlie

Where I come to blow off some steam.