The State Bar of Texas — Family Law Section

Frank Mann (Attorney)
2 min readNov 1, 2016


Based in Houston, Texas, attorney Frank Mann focuses his attention on family law, including cases involving divorce, custody, and property issues. He offers more than 30 years of experience to his clients. In addition to his local bar association membership, attorney Frank Mann is a member of the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.

The Family Law Section was first created in 1960 and is now the third largest section of the Texas bar. It primarily provides state attorneys with regular reports and resources regarding developments in family law statutes and proceedings, and it encourages pro bono work by offering seminars in exchange for commitments from attendees to handle two pro bono cases within the year. The section also participates in teaching family law courses at Texas law schools.

The Family Law Section actively supports legislation to advance necessary changes in Texas law. Supported changes include the Matrimonial Property Reform Act of 1967, which would make Texas the first state in the U.S. to eliminate gender discrimination in divorce property disputes, and an amendment to the Texas state constitution’s Community Property Right of Survivorship of 1987, which allows a married person to give all community property to the surviving spouse in the event of death.



Frank Mann (Attorney)

Frank Mann provides cost-effective legal counsel for family law matters, acting as a knowledgeable advocate for his Houston area clients.