4 Key Obstacles To Strategy Implementation And How To Overcome Them

Frans Riemersma
2 min readMar 10, 2017


To achieve success, you’ll need to both formulate a good strategy and flawlessly execute that strategy. In our experience, there are 4 strategy execution obstacles business struggle to overcome. Here’s a quick look at these obstacles and how to navigate them.

To achieve success, you’ll need to both formulate a good strategy and flawlessly execute that strategy. In our experience, there are 4 strategy execution obstacles business struggle to overcome. Here’s a quick look at these obstacles and how to navigate them.

#1 Prioritization And Sequence Planning

The Obstacle

Prioritizing your effort and determining the sequence for executing your strategy can be a challenge.

The Jump

Use Boardview to help you see which processes are most vital to your strategy and which deliver the most ROI. This makes aligning your goals and explaining your strategy to your team much easier.

#2 Lack Of Resources

The Obstacle

All businesses experience budget constraints. You’ll often find that you don’t have enough resources to accomplish everything you’d like to achieve.

The Jump

Allocate resources based on value contribution. Having determined which parts of your strategy are most critical, you can then distribute resources in a way that gives you the most value for money.

#3 Team Communication

The Obstacle

For strategy to be executed effectively, your teams need to be on the same page. Poor communication has ruined many great strategies.

The Jump

Use the BoardView Tree. It lets you visualize your strategy in a collaborative space which makes keeping your team informed much easier. It also helps you focus your team on the ‘why’ of each strategic action.

#4 Resistance To Change

The Obstacle

Resistance to change is strongest when it involves reorganizing or adjusting employee responsibilities. It can make employees less effective where it matters and this will undermine the success of your strategy.

The Jump

Tackling the first 3 obstacles will actually help minimize team resistance to change. Having a logical strategy map and an overview that clearly shows the value of the proposed change will greatly reduce resistance. Or, If you’re really on top of your game, your team may even welcome change.

Good strategy and good execution must go hand-in-hand. Start by writing your goals on post-its. Discover how your goals relate to each other and put them in a tree structure to draft your initial agile strategy.

Then, take your experiment online and prove what you’ve just learned. Conquer the four key obstacles to strategy implementation as if they never existed, and execute your strategy like a champ.

*** You’ve just read a summary. Read the more elaborate original article here! ***



Frans Riemersma

Manage marketing strategy like an interactive infographic. MarTech stack lover. Founder @boardview_io. Newsletter http://tiny.cc/2gkkby.