The Aspirant Writer

Disillusion and hope

Fred Soloy
2 min readJun 19, 2023
White robot in a lab watching something
Made with DALL-E

A challenge for aspiring writers is finding an audience.
You need to do more than just write and publish your story on Medium and expect to be read straight away. You need to promote your stories and read others and engage with them.

I am an aspiring writer or a kind of. I just started. But my stories only get a handful of reads in an ocean of words. I feel it will be hard to compete with the experienced ones.

I know that I am not the only one who is struggling. Countless aspiring writers are out there, all trying to be noticed. We are all competing for the same attention, and it is getting harder and harder to stand out.

Another challenge is the algorithm. If I’m right: If your stories don’t get enough views, they will eventually get buried under the pile of other stories. This can be discouraging.

That’s the question: who was the first, the egg or the chicken?

But even though it is hard. I know I have something to offer, and I am determined to find an audience for my work. I hope to make some money from my writing. It won’t be easy, but I will do the work.

I am excited about the future anyway. I am also happy about the community of writers on Medium.

I found interesting stories with excellent tips to swim into the sea of words.
I will eventually find my audience, and I know I will ultimately make money from my writing. But even if I don’t, I will still keep writing. I love writing, and it is something that I am passionate about.

So, to all the other aspiring writers, I say to you: don’t give up. Keep writing, keep promoting your work, and keep believing in yourself. You will eventually find your audience, and you will eventually achieve your dreams.

A side note:

I wrote this text, then tested it in two different AI software text detection. Surprise! They detected it as probably AI-generated text.
So am I a robot?
I gave my opinion about that in the comment in the following story:



Fred Soloy

I am a French native, so I wrote about French culture.