The More You Love Someone, the Less You Should Restrict Them

Freda Reagan
3 min readMay 14, 2024


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

In this world, there’s no such thing as perfection, including people.

It’s precisely because people are flawed that even the ones we love can have unbearable flaws.

When faced with these flaws, many women tend to try to change the men they love.

Because of love, most men will listen to women’s demands, but whether they can meet those demands is another story.

However, if women restrict men too much, it can lead to exhaustion.

No one opposes freedom, and if they do, it’s usually because they oppose someone else’s freedom.

So, many women restrict their men while giving themselves free rein, which is unfair and will only drive men away.

In reality, the more you deeply love someone, the less you should restrict them!

Love Him, Give Him Happiness

No one likes the feeling of being restricted, especially women.

In the past, many things were restricted for women, such as not being allowed to show their faces in public or not being allowed to see any strange men after getting married.

These restrictions are nothing new, and in a society dominated by men, women were often oppressed and restricted.

Perhaps because of the environment back then, women had to accept these restrictions.

But if we put these restrictions in the 21st century, how many women would accept them?

Since women don’t like being restricted themselves, why force the same restrictions on men?

If a man is restricted for a long time, his life will be unhappy.

He’ll be depressed, and naturally, he can’t have a happy relationship with women, which is detrimental to their emotional development.

Many women’s emotions are also affected when they see their loved ones unhappy.

So, whether it’s for the man’s happiness or for the betterment of their relationship, women shouldn’t restrict men.

Love Him, Trust Him

Why do women restrict men?

Some women hope to tie men down through restrictions, so they can’t interact with other women.

This is an extremely insecure behavior, as if there are many better women out there who are prettier, smarter, richer, etc.

But love isn’t based on external conditions; if a man only cares about these conditions, no matter how strictly women restrict him, he’ll still find ways to meet other women.

He’ll think of ways to find someone better, and no woman can truly tie him down, because there’s no such thing as “the best,” only “better.”

He’ll leave you for someone better, and similarly, he’ll leave that someone for someone even better.

For such men, it’s pointless to restrict them, and it’s possible that men aren’t as they seem.

True love is trusting him without restrictions, because even if you let him be, he’ll still come home on time, hand over his paycheck, and report all interactions with the opposite sex.

They’ll give women enough security, so they don’t have to worry unnecessarily.

So, if you truly love him, give him trust, believe he’s the right person.

A little more trust, a firm step on the land of sincerity, can nurture the most beautiful flower in life and build an unshakeable fortress.

Love Him, Accept Him

No one is perfect, and everyone has flaws to some extent.

Some men might love drinking, some might be stingy, and some might not have a savings habit, etc. These issues aren’t just in men, but also in women themselves.

Since we can’t avoid these problems, why demand that others change?

Moreover, these problems existed when we first met the man, so when deciding to be together, women should consider whether they can accept such a man.

If you truly love him, you won’t have any preconditions; you’ll love him for who he is.

In love, maintain a rational attitude; don’t over-idealize love as if it will make life better.

Maybe some of his flaws will drive you crazy, but that doesn’t affect your love for him, so what’s the harm?

Love is free, and everyone has the right to choose their loved one.

Each person is free, and everyone can choose who they want to be and the direction of their life.

Restrictions will only drive love away from happiness.

However, this doesn’t mean we can be overly indulgent; even without external restrictions, we should restrict ourselves.

If you truly love the other person, self-restriction will increase happiness in life.



Freda Reagan

Hi, I'm Freda Reagan, a passionate storyteller specializing in capturing the essence of love and emotions in my writing.