Fredrik Folkeryd
Fredrik Folkeryd

Fredrik Folkeryd


4 stories

Fredrik Folkeryd

Fredrik Folkeryd

Personal development

5 stories

Fredrik Folkeryd

Fredrik Folkeryd

Product Management

34 stories

Fredrik Folkeryd

Fredrik Folkeryd


11 stories

A diagram showing two actors: New visitor and Returning visitor. A box labelled Variant A data has an arrow to a box Variant A, which has an arrow to New visitor. A box labelled Variant B data has an arrow to a box Variant B, which has an arrow to Returning visitor.
Fredrik Folkeryd

Fredrik Folkeryd


7 stories

A diagram showing two actors: New visitor and Returning visitor. A box labelled Variant A data has an arrow to a box Variant A, which has an arrow to New visitor. A box labelled Variant B data has an arrow to a box Variant B, which has an arrow to Returning visitor.
Image of SafeTest report showing a video of a test run
Fredrik Folkeryd

Fredrik Folkeryd


1 story

Fredrik Folkeryd

Fredrik Folkeryd


1 story

cognitive distortions. Heaven’s reward fallacy — I must be rewarded for my hard work and sacrifice. curse of knowledge — why can’t others understand such simple ideas? fundamental attribution error — this who they are. fallacy of change — circle of influence, circle of concern that others need to change. bike shedding which has four quadrants trivial, easy, important, and hard. bike shedding is in the easy and trivial quadrant
Fredrik Folkeryd

Fredrik Folkeryd

Book tips

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Fredrik Folkeryd

Fredrik Folkeryd


3 stories

Our UX smoothie podcast
Fredrik Folkeryd

Fredrik Folkeryd

Dedicated to smarter ways of working with global software and content. Opinions my own.