5 Ways to Treat Acne Naturally

Healthcare Kingdom
2 min readOct 10, 2015


5 Ways to Treat Acne Naturally

Acne on the face should be treated properly because it can interfere with the appearance and lowered self-esteem. How to treat acne naturally at home?

But it is not uncommon acne drug products on the market are not able to help deal with this problem. That is why, deal with acne naturally can be a wise choice. How to clear acne naturally fast?

Below are some steps to handle acne naturally:

Consumption of garlic

Garlic is able to resist a variety of harmful bacteria contained in the pores of the skin. Additionally, garlic also boosts the immune system in general, including the skin, thus preventing acne.

Exercise and adequate sleep

Various activities and the resulting stress on a daily basis can cause hormonal imbalance, which can eventually lead to acne. Read also: The effects of stress on skin health.

Regular exercise and good sleep time setting will help to balance the body’s hormones, and therefore also helps in dealing with acne.


Exposure to sunlight can cure acne naturally. Not the scorching sun, but the sun in the morning. Skin needs sunlight so that the cells remain healthy and active.

Shine the skin and face with morning sunlight at least 10–15 minutes each day.

Rinse face with warm water

Warm water is very good for treating acne naturally. Acne can arise due to impurities contained in the pores of the face.

Wash your face with warm water will open the pores of the skin for a while, and then follow with a special soap used to clean the face.

Clean your face thoroughly. Afterwards, wash your face again with cold water so that the pores close again.

Read More Health Article : Various Benefits of Tomatoes for Skin Beauty

Cleanse toxins in the body naturally

Currently, various types of toxin or toxins can enter the body through a variety of ways, be it through a less healthy foods, pollution, and so forth.

The toxin can stimulate the growth of acne. Therefore, detoxification can treat and prevent acne.

The natural way to cleanse the toxins in the body is by drinking enough water every day, and increase consumption of healthy foods, which contain lots of vegetables and fruits.

Furthermore, the toxin will exit out through urine or sweat, and prevent the growth of acne.

By performing the steps above natural regularly, you can overcome the problem of acne and prevent acne reappeared. That is natural ways to clear acne?

Thanks for visit Free Diet and Health Care

Originally published at www.freediethealthcare.tk on October 10, 2015.

