Flu Causes and Effective Ways to Prevent It

Healthcare Kingdom
3 min readOct 25, 2015


Flu Causes and Effective Ways to Prevent It

Nevertheless it still can be differentiated, because basically the cause of flu and colds are not the same. This is flu causes symptoms and prevention.

Flu Causes

This type of virus that causes influenza is different from the common cold. Colds disease has many causes even identified more than 100 types of viruses that cause, whereas only influenza illness caused by infection of influenza virus type A, B (heavy flu) and C.

The influenza virus types A and B the one dominant cause flu illness. While type C influenza virus is more stable and generally only causes mild respiratory system disorders.

Understanding the cause of flu and mode of transmission.

As explained above, that causes the flu is a viral infection, which is very easy virus to infect others alias contagious.

Transmission itself mainly through respiratory or direct contact. That is when the patient coughs / sneezes exhale liquid droplets containing the virus then inhaled others.

Or the virus can also contaminate other objects around then touched and others inhaled or ingested with food.

Therefore it is essential that we keep clean and wash hands before eating so that the virus did not enter through the nose, eyes or mouth.

The influenza virus is just infection part of the respiratory tract mucosa, because that is where the most suitable place for them to breed.

The most common cause of flu in the winter.

The virus causes flu epidemic is most often in the winter. This can happen due to several factors supporting, and following a review:

  • Flu virus can survive longer in the room because it supported the winter resulted in low relative humidity outdoors.
  • Influenza virus is in the air at the time was too cold can last longer to infect other people breathe.
  • The tendency of a person in the winter is to be indoors, it is then easier for someone with flu and transmitting influenza virus to other family members.

Some steps to prevent influenza infection.

From the above discussion regarding the cause and mode of transmission of flu, I’m sure you can already guess about prevention.

Personal hygiene.

So that the spread of the influenza virus can we press habituate ourselves then we must wash hands with soap and running water.

Avoid touching the various organs in the head such as the mouth, nose, eyes, and face before washing hands first.

Clean also regularly surface of objects that may be contaminated such as telephones, doorknobs and computer keyboards.

Cover your mouth or nose using tissues when coughing / sneezing, and do not forget to immediately throw it into the trash box. As well as keep your distance from others.

Influenza vaccine.

By conducting an annual flu shot will help you reduce the risk of getting the flu each year.

Although it is not 100% effective because not all types of influenza virus can be prevented by this vaccine but this method effectively reduces the risk.

That was a brief explanation of the causes of the flu and how to prevent that we are not infected. Thanks for visit Free Diet and Health Care

Originally published at www.freediethealthcare.tk on October 25, 2015.

