How to Check Credit Score with ITIN Number

11 min readFeb 23, 2016

When individuals become principal investors in the US to either start a business or get a job, they wish to take their families there too, as long as they stay there. But moving to the United States or to any other country is not easy and takes time. Families that wish to live with their loved ones in the United States must obtain an H4 visa. Also, the principal investors need to have HB — 1 visa for the eligibility of H4 visa for their families.

After obtaining the visa, the family members are liable to pay taxes to reside in the United States as long as they stay there. For this reason, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services issues them ITIN numbers to pay taxes. However, such people are not considered eligible for obtaining SSN numbers because they cannot get employment unless they hold an E2 visa. SSNs numbers are issued only to the ones who are working in the United States.

With an ITIN number individuals can open bank accounts, grant loans and borrow money from banks as a result it builds their credit history. A credit history is rated in form of a credit score which is why most of the people living the United States often ask how to check credit score with ITIN number. If you want to know more about how to check credit score with ITIN number, read on.

What is an ITIN Number?

The ones who are concerned about how to check credit score with ITIN number, may not know exactly know what does an ITIN stands for. ITIN stands for Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, these are the numbers assigned to the foreign family members and children, and employers of treaty countries by the IRS for tax purposes. This number comprises of nine digits beginning with number 9 having a range of 70 to 88 till fourth and fifth digit. After the amendment by the IRS on April 12, 2011, the range o fthe ITIN number was extended.

Moreover, the people living in the United States are provided with a Social Security Number (SSN) by the Social Security Administrator (SSA) while the ITINs are provided to people just residing in the United States. For this reason, SSNs and ITINs do not have the same purpose which is why most of the people are asking how to check credit score with ITIN number.

They are actually confused because ITINs cause problem in checking credit score while SSNs do not. ITIN numbers are issued regardless of the immigration status. The ITINs numbers are only issued so easily, they are only issued to the ones who meet the requirements and eligibility criteria of the ITIN number. Also, it is issue d to the ones who are not eligible for the SSN numbers. Additionally, getting an ITIN number will make one eligible to apply for a credit card.

If you are still concerned about how to check credit score with ITIN number, read through the further sections carefully.

What is a Credit Report?

Prior to understanding how to check credit score with ITIN number, you need to understand about credit reports. When you issue an ITIN number, you are able to open bank accounts, grant loans and have borrowing and withdrawals. All this is related to your credits which automatically generates a credit history. As a result, a credit report is a record of your credit history which includes certain information. The following is the information that a credit report contains.

· Your Existing Credit

Your credit report contains the information about credits that you have including your credit cards, car loans, mortgages, student loans etc. Also, the information may include how much you owe to your creditors, the terms of your credit and the entire history of making payments.

· Your Identity

The credit reports contains your full legal name, address, social security or individual taxpayer identity number, date of birth, and relevant employment information.

· Your Public Records

Information regarding tax liens against properties or information about bankruptcy and court judgments (if you have any) are also maintained under your credit reports.

· Important Inquiries About You

Your credit report contains a detailed list of persons or companies who currently requested a copy of your report.

Why is a Credit Report so Important?

While many are concerned about how to check credit score with ITIN number, there are many individuals who want to understand why a credit report is considered so important. So those who are asking how to check credit score with ITIN number, they must keep in mind that the credit report is necessary to maintain because the lenders, employers, insurer, and many others need to know and assess about how you manage your financial responsibilities. Let’s have a look to how your credit reports can help others and you.

  • Lenders can assess with your credit reports information if they can provide you a loan or not. Also, they can fix the rate of interest on the basis of your report.
  • Employers may ask for your credit report and assess how organized you are and may hire you.
  • Insurance companies can insure you on by seeing your credit reports.
  • Landlords can determine whether or not to rent an apartment to you by assessing your credit reports.
  • Utility companies may use information on your credit reports and decide whether or not to provide services to you.

What is a Credit Score?

Those who are trying to identity how to check credit score with ITIN number; they must first understand what a credit score is. A credit score is one of the most important parts in a credit report which reflects the information in your credit report. Basically, it summaries your credit history and helps creditors in predicting how quickly you can repay them. It can help in assessing whether or not they can grant you loans, credit, rate at which they can charge loan on you and the terms and conditions to offer you.

Additionally a credit score rates your credit risk at a specific time period. The higher the score, the better your position. Lower score can leave a very bad impact on the creditor. However, having a higher credit score can benefit you in many ways and make your life easier.

How is it Calculated?

If you are concerned about how to check credit score with ITIN number, you may also be interested in understanding how a credit score is calculated. The following is the information that is used to calculate the credit score.

  • The different types of accounts you have such as credit cards, mortgages, auto loans and many others
  • Whether or not you pay your bills promptly
  • Whether or not you have collections actions against you
  • How much credit or loan you have taken or are using from some other creditor
  • How old your accounts are, the age of your accounts
  • The collective amount of your outstanding debt

How Often Should You Check Credit Reports and Its Scores?

Individuals who are concerned about how to check credit score with ITIN number are on the right track. One must always worry about their credit reports and credit score. Individuals need to keep a check on it every now and then. When you take loans or whenever you think you have made a credit transaction you need to have a glance on your credit report and credit score. Usually, people keep a check on their credit score and reports on a yearly basis.

Moreover, if your are trying to identity how to check credit score with ITIN number and are confused about the process of checking your scores and reports you must always ask for help from your local and professional lawyer. They can help you in understanding the entire process as well as they will assist and guide you how you keep a good credit score and make an ideal credit report. In addition, when you hire lawyers, they keep a check throughout the year. If you are busy with your core business activities, they will ensure to maintain it accordingly.

ITIN Numbers and SSN Numbers are Different — Serve Different Purpose

There are many people who ask how to check credit score with ITIN number. They are concerned about it because they do know that there is a difference between ITIN numbers and SSN numbers and both of them do not serve the same purpose. On the other hand, there are many who do not understand this phenomenon. So prior to going into the details of how to check credit score with ITIN number, everyone must clearly understand the difference between SSNs numbers and ITIN numbers.

The only similarities that a SSN and ITIN number has are that both of them are a nine digit number and function as tax identification numbers. An individual who is a citizen, permanent resident or a temporary alien resident who has been granted permission by the United States of Citizenship and Immigration Services have an SSN number.

Also, the SSN numbers are issues by the Social Security Administration (SSA) of the United States. In addition anyone who is willing to obtain an SSN number, they need to fill Form SS-5. After obtaining it, they can use it for their tax returns.

On the contrary, an ITIN number is issued to the ones who are not eligible for the SSN number from the SSA. These are granted to individuals who are foreign nationals or non resident aliens but are required to file certain federal tax returns or information returns. ITIN numbers are issued by the IRS authority. In addition, anyone who is willing to obtain, they need to fill Form W-7, after obtaining it, they can use it for filing federal tax returns. The law does not allow an alien individual to obtain an SSN number and ITIN is not considered a valid identifications form for this reason people ask how to check credit score with ITIN number.

So now the people who are asking how to check credit score with ITIN number do not actually have an SSN number which is causing them problem in checking the credit score. But this is not impossible though, we have provided details about how to check credit score with ITIN number below.

Checking Credit Scores

Since some individuals are not permitted to obtain SSN numbers by law, as a result, checking credit score can be difficult for them which is why people are trying to identify how to check credit score with ITIN number. We have come up with a solution and details for the ones who are worried about checking their score using ITIN numbers. Let’s have a look below.

Who are the Card Issuers that Allow Applying for Credit Cards Using ITIN Number?

If you want to learn the core of the query, how to check credit score with an ITIN number you need to read this section carefully. For knowing credit scores, you need to apply for credit cards as well. There are certain card issuers who allow individuals holding ITIN numbers to apply for credit cards, they are listed below.

  • American Express
  • Capital One
  • Bank of America
  • Chase
  • Citibank

On the contrary, there are some banks that do not permit individuals holding ITIN numbers to either the credit scores and apply for the credit cards. This is because they require only SSN numbers. Those banks are listed below.

  • Wells Fargo
  • US Bank
  • Capital One
  • Discover

Who are the Credit Report and Credit Score Issuers Requiring ITIN Number?

In order to know how to check credit score with ITIN number, you must know that you will require a credit report first. So you need to know about those credit report issuers who permit granting it in exchange of an ITIN number. Though, your credits will not be tracked on the same level as of an SSN number but still it can help you. The following are the credit report and score issuers who accept SSN numbers as well as ITIN numbers.

  • Experian
  • Equifax
  • TransUnion

All of the above mentioned issuers permit you to request for your credit reports using an ITIN as well. But since an automated system only identifies and recognizes SSN numbers, as a result it may show an error. But you need not worry. If you want to know the core of how to check credit score with ITIN number, you must keep in mind that you are required to submit a request form via mail at the address listed below for viewing your credit report and credit scores. You must not send it online and you can use this form to request for your credit report from Experian, TransUnion and Equifax.

Mailing Address

Annual Credit Report Service

P.O. Box 105281

Atlanta, Georgia

The request by mail may take around 2 to 3 weeks for delivery so you need to be patient. The representatives will contact you soon or forward a letter of approval very soon.

Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

The ones who are concerned about how to check credit score with ITIN number may not really know much about how they can improve their credit score so we have come up with a few tips that can help them in making their credit scores better.

· Do not Delay on Making Payments

Delaying is one of the most common problems in collections and payments. You must never make late payments and never delay on any current account and collections or else they will be marked 30, 60 or 90 day late. In order to understand how to check credit score with ITIN number and keeping credit score high, you need to have 100% perfect payment history.

· Thirty Years Old Card

The consumers who want to identity how to check credit score with ITIN number must remember that consumers at least need to have a bank credit card of thirty years. Also, the card must not have been entitled to any late dates ever. It is considered a perfect FICO credit score card.

· Store Credit Cards

One of the most important elements to which helps in keeping your credit score perfect is a store credit card. However, as store credit card may not give you as many points as of a bank credit card but it does help in keeping the score higher.

· More Credit Cards

Consumers who ask how to check credit score with ITIN number must remember that they must have at least five to seven bank credit cards with around 5% of limit and not 0. An ideal limit for the credit cards is to from 5% to 9%.

· Old Mortgage

There should be an old mortgage in the last few years. This means that the mortgage needs to paid in full and should not be left unattended.

· Home Equity Line of Credit

Another way to keep your credit scores high is to keep a home equity line of credit. Though there are people who have perfect credit scores without a home equity line of credit but it really increases your credit score which is why we highly recommend it.

· No New Credit Account and Hard Injuries

In order to keep your credit scores high, you need not have any credit account, auto loan, mortgage type for more than five years. In addition, you must not keep hard injuries also for more than two years. Hard injuries are the ones when you apply for credit while a soft injury is when a consumer checks their credit for obtaining their own information.

ITIN numbers and SSN numbers are different from one and another. Also, both of them serve two different purposes. For this reason, most of the people question, how to check credit score with ITIN number. Though, it is not very difficult to check it. You can use Experian, TransUnion and Equifax by sending a post mail at the specified address and access to your credit reports and know your credit score. Now that you know how to check credit score with ITIN number, we hope you will be able to help others as well. Good Luck!

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Originally published at on February 23, 2016.




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