What is a Cloud Kitchen?

3 min readMay 2, 2020


As the world is going more and more towards a smart future, everything is being digitized. The Internet has made this vast world into a global village where anything is available to you. Now everything is just a few clicks away from you; laying on bed or sitting on sofa, you can virtually grab anything. These days everyone is going on the internet for selling or buying anything that you like or want. This groundbreaking technology of the 20th century forced everyone to evolve. Just for an example, who would have thought a few decades back that you could have a whole library of thousands of books in a single touch device the size of your palm. As everything is being internet clouded then how could kitchens be far.

online food in lahore

The Internet presents a new term Cloud Kitchen. A cloud kitchen is just a space for getting food but no place to dine. In other words, people go to the internet and online food in Lahore like any other online shopping and the people who run cloud kitchens deliver you your desired food dish to your doorstep. You can also call it Home Delivery of the food that you ordered from a website on the internet. Opening and organizing Cloud Kitchens cut the cost many folds as it totally nullifies the costs of furniture, large staff, substantial bills, huge building rent, and maintaining cost. With could Kitchens you only need money to establish a place by buying tools, ingredients and advertisement. As it costs less this way, the price of prepared food is also decreasing dramatically, this is why such types of businesses are getting popular these days. Cloud Kitchens are also referred as Virtual Kitchens or Ghost Kitchens and sometimes Dark Restaurants. Just these names convey the whole meaning and purpose of such kitchens and restaurants.

With no customer walk in and sit strategy, Cloud Kitchens are specialized only in delivering the food that makes it easier to expand the business in high demand areas in big cities or even multiple cities. The idea of cloud kitchens is not that new, the first cloud kitchen was introduced back in the start of this century, in 2003. It’s a very popular business in North America and European countries, where people just order the food on the internet and virtually within no time the fresh and prepared food is delivered to their doorstep that easily. The idea is now unrevealing in Pakistan too, where people are getting aware of this new-found treasure on the internet. The idea of getting prepared food with no effort at all along with less cost and time is in other words no more less than a hidden gem. Few online restaurants and kitchens have started providing their services in Pakistan. Most of the leading cloud kitchens include Fresh Store, Food Panda and Cheetay. Now you can also be at ease and get a sigh of relief by ordering any type of homemade food, sweet dishes, cakes and many more items online.

