Photos by Cary Edmondson

Game day for Victor E. Bulldog III: Our beloved bulldog’s first football season

Fresno State Alumni
3 min readDec 1, 2015

By Katie Delphia

This season, as the Fresno State football team began their own preparations for each home game, Victor E. Bulldog III (VEBIII) started learning his own routine.

Owned and managed by the Fresno State Alumni Association, VEBIII has multiple handlers that oversee his day-to-day schedule. One of his handlers is Jacquelyn K. Glasener, executive director of the Fresno State Alumni Association.

The day before a home game, Glasener or one of the other handlers took VEBIII to Tailwaggers, a dog-pampering salon — and one of his official sponsors — for a special grooming session.

“I post something on his Twitter and Instagram to show people how he is getting ready for the game — a picture, usually, because it is fun for people to see,” Glasener said.

To make sure he was rested and ready for the night, VEBIII had playtime and naps the day of the game.

As the Fresno State Bulldog football players started their pre-game routine, VEBIII and his handlers geared up too, packing his supplies, which included his cooling mat, water, a backpack filled with toys and his jersey.

While on his way to his scheduled appearances, people would always ask if he was “the real Victor E. Bulldog III” — and if so, they immediately would want their picture taken with him.

“They just get excited, and he reacts to kids so well,” Glasener said.

Victor E. Bulldog III also loved being with TimeOut during the games. Blair Smittcamp, assistant director of student and young alumni engagement and one of his handlers, said TimeOut was VEBIII’s best buddy.

“Seeing his buddy TimeOut isn’t necessarily a ritual before a game, but he always gets excited and ready to go when he sees him,” Smittcamp said. “I think that most times when he sees him, TimeOut gives Victor a little pep talk and sends him good vibes before he goes out to perform.”

VEBIII had at least five appearances every game. During the halftime show he would make an on-field appearance to promote PetER, his official veterinary sponsor, and Plato Pet Treats, his official pet treat sponsor.

Glasener and Smittcamp both agreed that the crowd could not contain their excitement when he would come onto the field.

“The crowd totally loves him; how could they not? And he loves the crowd. Victor knows what he’s doing and knows what he represents — meeting the fans and getting to promote pride for Fresno State is what Victor does best,” Smittcamp said.

After his on-field appearances, VEBIII would make his way up to the suites of President Joseph I. Castro, Athletic Director Jim Bartko, and Coach Tim DeRuyter, where he mingled with guests and posed for pictures.

“He is a puppy and so by that point in the evening he is done and falling asleep,” Glasener said.

Smittcamp said, “Having Victor E. Bulldog III on campus, in the community and performing on game days makes the students, faculty, staff, friends and fans feel more connected and have more pride for the university.”

Matthew D. Schulz contributed to this story.

