Want to play impossible music?

2 min readSep 17, 2015


Innovative guitarists across the world have always been in the hunt for ways to create new sounds. However, their song writing has traditionally been limited by having five fingers on each hand (at most!), forcing them to create sounds within these constraints.

But now these limits are about to be stretched with the launch of a new hand-crafted, single string capo. Unlike most other capos which go across all the strings, guitarists can now use Fretlocks to trap any string in any position they like.

Co- founder Jonny West who came up with the original idea said:

“I came up with the idea when I was trying to figure out a way to play a particularly difficult line and needed extra fingers to hold some strings down. After a number of different designs, I came up with the final Fretlocks design that actually works, whilst keeping great sound quality.”

Want to join the Freternity?

This is just the beginning to a new world of possibilities for guitar players. We’ve set the ball rolling with new ways to jam and play previously impossible music. We want you to join our community or ‘freternity’, where guitarists can share ideas, playing patterns and tips and techniques among like minded players.

Our mission is to “create sounds that no one else has ever created” and open up a new world of playing impossible music. You can see how some people have already been getting on with our Fretlocks below:

Official launch party — Friday 9th October

We want you to be one of the first to get your hands on the limited edition Fretlocks.

For those of you keen on testing new waters with your music, join us at Regent Sounds, Denmark Street for our launch event on Friday October 9th.

Alternatively, you can sign up to keep posted for more news and info at www.fretlocks.com




Play Impossible Music. Sign-up for news about advanced pre-orders at: http://www.fretlocks.com