Tuesday Morning Prayers with Father Wade 20170829

1 min readAug 29, 2017


Tuesday Morning Prayers with Father Wade 20170829

Tuesday Morning Prayers at 8:00 AM EDT with Father Wade LIVE Interactive on Facebook LIVE & YouNow & YouTube #time2pray #lkld #friarwade #prayers #prayer #prayfortexas — in Highland City, Florida.

Tuesday Morning Prayers with Father Wade 20170829
LIVE • Interactive • Live Streaming Morning Prayers
Come and pray with us • Prayer Requests Accepted
Broadcast LIVE from the St. Andrew Rectory in Lakeland, Florida


Come and pray with us!

Peace be with you!

Father Wade+




delivering inspirational notes on life, biz, & spiritual quests 2 journeymen seeking Clarity & Direction via Music, Speaking, Training, Consulting, & Merchandise