Yahoo’s Kafka Manager Installation — CentOS

Judge Hiciano
2 min readJul 26, 2017

We where looking for an open source web GUI solution to help manage out Kafka clusters. We went with Yahoo’s Kafka Manager . Everything works great, but there was not a lot of information on how to actually install the web application.

As of Kafka-Manager these instructions are still relevant.First you need to install java, scala, and sbt on your machines if you do not already have them installed.

You need java version 8 as your main and running version, specifically for javac .

Once java, scala, and sbt are installed we are ready to copy the kafka-manager repo from GitHub using git or you can download the .zip.

If everything was installed correctly, you will see landing page(below) when you hit http://localhost:9000 . Now you can configure your cluster.

Now you ca add in your first cluster, for me test I left all the values default and did enable jmx polling (not checked in screenshot below):

If all is successful, you will see something similar to below.

Possible Issues:

I had a logger timeout shown below:

error while starting up loggers
akka.ConfigurationException: Logger specified in config can't be loaded [akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger] due to [akka.event.LonitializationException: Logger log1-Slf4jLogger did not respond with LoggerInitialized, sent instead [TIMEOUT]]

Fix: Edit the ./conf/application.conf file and add the code below to the akka section.

logger-startup-timeout = 30s

See Issue 256 for more information

NullPointerException in compilation

When running “sbt clean dist” , if you get this error. Make sure you main java and javac version is 1.8.* . I had to remove Java 9 completely on my mac to get it to play nice. Setting JAVA_HOME did not help me in this case.



Judge Hiciano

Data, Machine Learning , Data, Automation, Data, and more