5 Businesses For Women

4 min readSep 6, 2014


Coenzyme Q10 individual packets

Low Cost Water Filters

Positive News Sheets

Face Exercise Classes

Selling Grassroots Business info.

[[[NOTE: Men can start these businesses too, but their simplicity and easy set up might be attractive to mothers that are housebound with children.]]]

CoEnzyme Q10

Coenzyme q10 Capsules are the most prescribed nutrient in Japan. Available since the 50's, they are a safe, natural form of energy. Coq10 occurs naturally in the body.

The world spends over 30 billion on energy drinks per year.


Red Bull and other energy drinks can be can be very dangerous. They contain dangerous levels of caffeine and have killed some people.


Maybe Coq10 capsules are a safe energy source for the future. Coq10 is legal in Asia, but people don’t have enough money to buy an entire bottle, which can cost 30–50 dollars. Buying one bottle and selling the tablets individually could be a good business. You can make a small profit, and help people increase their health and energy.

Please include a small information sheet with each capsule, so people can understand and be safe.

Checking local laws is your responsibility.

Xylem Water Filters

Many households are suffering from waterborne diseases. According to wikipedia:

“Water supply and sanitation in Indonesia is characterized by poor levels of access and service quality. Over 40 million people lack access to an improved water source and more than 110 million of the country’s 240 million population has no access to improved sanitation.[1] With only 2% access to sewerage in urban areas is one of the lowest in the world among middle-income countries. Pollution is widespread on Bali and Java. Women in Jakarta report spending US$ 11 per month on boiling water, implying a significant burden for the poor.”

If we wait for the government to purify our water, it will take decades. Many supermarket filters are overpriced. Luxury filter companies use simple technologies with huge markups, putting the technology out of reach of poor households. We hope to change that.

Researchers in America, Europe and China have discovered many inexpensive technologies that can help filter water. Xylem water filters are a simple, natural way to remove some toxins from water. They only cost 5 dollars per filter. Selling these in villages will bring water filtration to low income families.

Later, we shall release information about 10 low cost water purification technologies that can improve sanitation in Indonesia. The price of purification is maybe 100–300 Rupiah per liter. 1–3 US cents.


One Sheet Positive Media

News worldwide is full of gossip and propaganda. Newspaper circulation is dropping, as people walk away from boring coverage. People have a hunger for problem solving media, business ideas and new technology.

Don’t Hate The Media, Be The Media — Jello Biafra

If you have access to Facebook and a Photocopier, you are the media.

Find 3–4 articles of energising news, make a short summary, credit the author and link to the original article. People have no time to read books, and the internet is clogged with pictures of trivial rubbish.

One sheet media is the future

Face Exercise Classes

Everyone wants to stay younger and better looking. Women especially
spend billions a year on plastic surgery. And further billions on
toxic cosmetics.

Pushups build arm muscles. Situps tighten abdominals. Face exercises tighten the neck, lift the cheeks, get rid of wrinkles and eyelines. Carole Maggio, the “Arnold Schwarzenegger of the face”, took 10 years off her face with a 15 minute a day system of exercises.

The future market is ripe for face exercises classes, and
instructional videos in Chinese.

Selling Grassroots Business Info

The last business is selling information sheets like this. You are
free to copy this information and sell it in your shop or home. 1)
Please do not change the wording. 2) Please print it on quality paper.
Please sell it for a fair price.

If people complain about they price, tell them they can have free access
to a smartphone website with many videos, more information and

The internet is amazing, but there are still many older people who are
not connected, and who feel left out from the internet revolution.

Providing short booklets with energising information is both a public
service and a solid small business.

Business Model

We will work on an honour system. If you make a profit, please send 5
percent of your profit to us. [NOTE TO AVALON: We might end up just giving the info away] Sellers who donate fair amounts will get
exclusive information, new videos and first choice of new releases.
The best sellers each month will get free advertising with us….

We have nearly 100 high quality info sheets to release, so stay tuned!

Agartha Free Press




I'm developing a free PDF on technology that can raise standards of living worldwide. Work in progress page: http://tinyurl.com/oke7jvm