Choose a Timeline, Atreyu! Choices for 2020

1 min readSep 8, 2014


My neighborhood in 2020. Daydreaming now. What do I want it to look like?


Corporate Centralisation or Grassroots diversity?


One size fits all Pharmacology, toxic bulk vitamins, or a choice of low priced Nutraceutical sachets?


GMO Franken nightmare or Hydroponic rooftops?


Heavy metals and pipes, or Xylem water filters and new technologies?


Centralized monochrome banking or diverse crowdfunding, crowdfinancing and financial apps?


Choke smog air, huge expensive wind farms or hand cranked lights, pedal powered chargers, solar mobile chargers and Maglev VAWTS?

Vote now!

The elite don’t decide, we do. Twenty years ago their choices decided how we acted. Now our actions drive their meetings. I won’t waste time standing in the street protesting. I’m just going to research this stuff on my own, and do what I can. There’s a million businesses selling these products, they are completely legal and commonplace.

Robocop Nightmare vs Lord of The Rings with Laptops

Choose a timeline, Atreyu…

Freedom comes micro-step by micro-step, one bottle, one seed, one filter, one link, one like, one photocopy, one reader at a time.




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