2 min readSep 8, 2014

Does Crowdfunding Education Have Huge Growth Potential?

Rote and regurgitate learning is killing innovation.

What happens to an education system that cranks out Dilberts when it could be breeding lions? Could you start a great crowdfunding school for 5K? You just need a couple of rooms, broadband and a whiteboard.

End goal: A new wave of nightschools, college classes accelerators, incubators and private classes, dedicated to teaching how to raise low altitude money: 25 dollars to 25K.

Rolling admission. Course lengths from 1 week to one year.


Who Takes Care Of Low Flyers?

Forget the VC elite. What about people who have a half decent SME idea, but just need a couple of weeks of mentoring to get up to speed? Who helps them? What about a guy in Mexico city with a cool idea but only 4 hours spare a week? Who’s going to help him connect with Kickstarter?


Crowdfunding 101 Syllabus:

Mon AM- Introduction to Crowdfunding.
Mon PM- Pitch writing. Students log onto Kickstarter draft a pitch.

Tue AM — Succinct writing. How to get to the point.
Tue PM — Budget breakdowns, Inventive rewards,

Wed AM — Shooting a pitch video.
Wed PM — Editing Video.

Thur AM — Tutorials, peer review, catch up.
Thur PM — Exposure. Getting interviews, blog interest. endorsements.

Fri AM — Exposure II — Drafting and sending a media kit.

Friday, noon. LAUNCH! If ready.
Friday PM — Media workshop.

After launching your pitch, what other courses can you take?


Sign Up Kids!

Crowdfunding 102: Deeper into Media.
Crowdfunding 103: Your first 10K pitch.


I could write the whole darn syllabus now, but is anybody reading?


Who’s Doing This Now?

So far the offline crowdfinance education market is near empty. What’s up? do a great job of leading people through the crowdfunding process, with one on one mentoring. Ycombinator in California have started a trend of low level investment in a wide portfolio of businesses. But someone needs to combine Ycombinator and Kickstarter.

The Way Forward

Relearning the forgotten skills of pitching, succinct writing and grassroots promotion will begin to re-stimulate septic local economies.

If current trends are not averted, collaborative financing will remain a niche, the job market will stagnate, and corporations and banks will continue to dominate finance.

Does anyone want to make this future?

Educate or suffocate.


I'm developing a free PDF on technology that can raise standards of living worldwide. Work in progress page: