Open Letter To Julian Assange. Reversing Heart Disease and Arrhythmia with Nutrition.

1 min readAug 31, 2014


Dear Julian,

No idea how to get in touch with you so this is an open letter. I’d be very grateful if someone could pass this on. I nearly died from arrhythmia and valve weakness this spring. I had symptoms so bad I couldn’t climb the stairs. It took me 10 minutes to go up 6 flights. Every 30 minutes I felt someone was stabbing me with an electric Stanley knife. I thought I was going to die every time I went to sleep. No oxygen. The doctors were terrible. I cured myself with (in order of importance):

SSKI (Potassium Iodide)
Vitamin C (Liposomal C + Pauling Therapy is best.
Magnesium Chloride
Fish Oil and/or Eating more fish/meat. (I used to be nearly vegan)

+ A few other things.

Now I’m as strong as an ox, can do 20–25 pushups and run everywhere again. Heart disease *may be* a combination of Vit C, Iodide, Chromium, MSM and Omega 3 deficiency. Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling, and other doctors covered in the links below, worked out how to reverse cardiac problems decades ago.

3 Links That Might Help

Full story here:

Check out this video on Vit C.

Six Doctors for a Medical Revolution

Any questions, please write to me on Project Avalon, or here on Medium.






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