AFL++ in Kali Linux

3 min readMar 9, 2023



AFL (AFLplusplus) is a fork of AFL (American Fuzzy Lop), which is software used to test software security using the fuzzing method. Fuzzing is a technique used to find bugs or vulnerabilities in software by injecting random or semi-random input into the program under test. The goal is to find input that could cause a program to crash, crash, or behave in an undesired manner.

AFL adds several features and improvements to AFL to help developers test software security more efficiently. Some of the AFL’s features and improvements include:

Faster Performance: AFL performs faster than AFL, so you can test your software in less time.

Binary mutation testing support: AFL can be used to test binary or executable programs, as well as to test programs compiled in certain programming languages.

LLVM Mutation Test Support: The AFL supports mutation tests of software compiled with LLVM, so it can be used to test software written in programming languages ​​such as C and C.

Support for testing with artificial neural networks: AFL has support for testing software with artificial neural networks which can increase its effectiveness in finding bugs and vulnerabilities.

Contract obfuscation test support: AFL also supports contract obfuscation, which can help developers test implementation of predefined contracts.

AFL aims to help developers test the security of their software so they can identify and fix bugs and vulnerabilities before releasing software to the public. With AFL, developers can test software more efficiently and accurately, which increases the security of the software they produce.

Besides having many advantages, AFL also has several weaknesses, such as:

Correct settings required:

Using AFL requires correct setting, especially for parameter setting and setting according to test requirements. Incorrect settings may result in inaccurate or even ineffective test results.

Not all errors found:

AFL has not found all bugs or vulnerabilities in the software. Some bugs or vulnerabilities can only be found using advanced testing techniques such as: B. Manual testing or testing with different tools.

Requires enough resources:

AFL requires sufficient resources to complete the testing process, especially for complex or large software. This can require significant computer resources to run tests efficiently.


AFL testing can be time consuming, especially with complex or large software. It may take some time before serious bugs or vulnerabilities are discovered.

Unable to handle complex software:

AFL is limited to testing software with very complex or highly variable execution flows, so that not all software bugs or vulnerabilities can be found.

The following is an example of using AFL++ to test software security:

Security test for web software

AFL++ can be used to test the security of web software such as web servers, web applications or browser extensions. By adding random input to network software, AFL++ can find bugs or vulnerabilities in that software, such as: B. buffer overflow or padding.

Test mobile security software

AFL++ can also be used to test the security of mobile software such as mobile apps, plug-ins or operating systems. By injecting random input into mobile software, AFL++ can find bugs or vulnerabilities in the software, such as: B. memory leaks or access controls.

Embedded software security test

AFL++ can also be used to test the security of embedded software such as industrial control systems or IoT devices. By injecting random input into embedded software, AFL++ can find bugs or vulnerabilities in that software, such as: B. Integer overflows or race conditions.

Communication protocol security test

AFL++ can also be used to test the security of communication protocols such as network protocols or encryption protocols. By entering random entries in the communication log, AFL++ can find protocol errors or vulnerabilities such as denial of service or escalation.

In all of the examples above, AFL++ can help developers efficiently and accurately test software security, thereby increasing the security of the software they build.

