15 Must-Have VSCode Extensions for Web Development 💻💡

Olayeye Muideen
13 min readJan 4, 2024

Visual Studio Code stands as a dominant force among source code editors, boasting over 136k stars on GitHub. Its widespread adoption owes much to its lightweight design, adaptable nature, open-source framework, user-friendly interface, and expansive extensibility.

The real charm lies in its extensibility, offering a treasure trove of thousands of extensions available on the Visual Studio Code marketplace. These extensions serve as catalysts, elevating developer productivity by automating mundane tasks, and most of them are freely accessible.

In this blog post, we delve into the world of 18 remarkable Visual Studio Code extensions that revolutionize the web development journey.

1. Auto-rename

Auto Rename Tag extension for Visual Studio Code is a convenient tool designed to streamline HTML or XML coding by automatically renaming paired tags when one of them is modified. This extension simplifies the process of updating corresponding opening and closing tags when editing one of them.

When you modify the name of an opening or closing tag in an HTML or XML document, the “Auto Rename Tag” extension instantly updates the paired tag, ensuring consistency and saving time. For instance, if you change the name of an opening <div> tag to<section>, this extension will automatically update the corresponding closing </div> tag to</section>.

install: Auto rename Tag

2. Bracket

Bracket Pair Colorizer is a popular extension for Visual Studio Code that enhances code readability by colorizing matching brackets with unique colors. This extension makes it easier for developers to navigate and identify corresponding opening and closing brackets in their code, particularly in complex and nested code structures.

With Bracket Pair Colorizer, each set of matching brackets (such as parentheses, square brackets, or curly braces) is assigned a specific color, enabling quick visual identification of the pairs. This visual aid significantly improves code comprehension, reduces errors related to mismatched brackets, and enhances overall coding efficiency.

install: Bracket Pair Colorizer

3. Colorize

Colorize is an extension designed to enhance code readability within Visual Studio Code. By employing custom rules and patterns, this tool applies distinct colors to specific text strings or snippets within your code. The purpose is to visually differentiate and emphasize various elements, such as variables, constants, or user-defined text, aiding in easier comprehension and navigation through the codebase.

This extension aims to make coding more visually intuitive and organized for developers.

install: Colorize

4. Css Peek

CSS Peek is a Visual Studio Code extension that enhances CSS and SCSS (Sass) development by allowing users to peek into CSS definitions directly from HTML or JavaScript/TypeScript code. It provides the ability to quickly navigate to the associated CSS or SCSS file where a specific CSS class or ID is defined without leaving the current file.

Key features include:

  1. Peek Definition: Enables users to peek at the CSS or SCSS definitions of classes, IDs, or selectors used in HTML or JavaScript/TypeScript files without switching tabs.
  2. Convenient Navigation: Allows users to view CSS or SCSS definitions in a peek window within the same editor tab, making it easy to explore styles without disrupting the current workflow.
  3. Contextual Information: Provides context-sensitive information about the selected CSS class or ID, enhancing code understanding and navigation.

By leveraging CSS Peek, developers can easily inspect and navigate CSS or SCSS definitions associated with HTML or JavaScript/TypeScript files, improving code comprehension and efficiency while working on styling and front-end development within Visual Studio Code.

install: Css Peek

5. EsLint

ESLint is a popular and widely used linter tool for JavaScript that helps developers identify and fix errors, enforce coding standards, and maintain code consistency. It analyzes JavaScript code and detects problematic patterns or code that doesn’t adhere to predefined coding guidelines or best practices.

In Visual Studio Code, integrating ESLint using an extension allows developers to get real-time feedback within the editor itself, highlighting issues, errors, or warnings directly in the code. This enables developers to address issues promptly as they write or modify code, ensuring better code quality and adherence to coding standards.

install: ESLint

6. ES7+ React/Redux

ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets is an extension for Visual Studio Code that provides a collection of helpful code snippets tailored for JavaScript development with React, Redux, GraphQL, and React Native. These snippets follow the ECMAScript 7 (ES7) standard and assist developers in writing code more efficiently by offering shortcuts for commonly used React-related code patterns.

By utilizing these snippets, developers can quickly insert boilerplate code for React components, Redux actions, reducers, GraphQL queries, mutations, and more. These snippets can significantly speed up the development process, reduce repetitive typing, and ensure adherence to best practices.

install: ES7+ React/Redux

7. Git Lens

GitLens is a powerful extension for Visual Studio Code that significantly enhances the Git version control experience within the editor. It extends the built-in Git functionality and provides an array of advanced features, insights, and visualizations to better understand, navigate, and manage Git repositories directly within your code.

Key features of GitLens include:

  1. Code Annotations: GitLens annotates your code with information about recent changes, showing who modified the code, when changes were made, and even providing commit messages directly in the editor’s gutter.
  2. Commit History Exploration: You can easily explore and navigate through the history of a file or a code snippet, view commit details, changes made, and switch between different versions of the code.
  3. Inline Git Blame: GitLens allows you to see the Git blame information directly in the editor, showing who last modified a specific line and when.
  4. Comparing Changes: It provides side-by-side comparison views of changes made in different commits, branches, or tags, aiding in understanding differences between versions of code.
  5. Repository Insights: GitLens offers comprehensive repository insights, including visualizations of authors, commit counts, and activity timelines, providing a bird’s eye view of repository activity.

GitLens significantly enhances the Git-related functionalities within Visual Studio Code, offering a wealth of insights and tools to improve your productivity and efficiency when working with Git repositories directly from the editor.

install: Git Lens

8. Github Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered code completion tool developed by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI. It’s integrated into various code editors, including Visual Studio Code, to assist developers by providing contextual code suggestions as they write.

Using machine learning models, GitHub Copilot analyzes the code context, comments, and identifiers to generate real-time code completions, suggesting entire lines, functions, or code snippets based on the provided context. It’s designed to help speed up coding by offering intelligent suggestions that align with the developer’s intentions.

Key features include:

  1. Code Autocompletion: Copilot suggests code completions based on the context and comments in the code editor, aiming to anticipate the code that a developer might want to write next.
  2. Natural Language Queries: Developers can provide descriptions or comments in natural language, and Copilot generates code snippets based on these descriptions, understanding and interpreting the intent behind the text.
  3. Support for Multiple Languages: Copilot supports multiple programming languages, allowing developers to leverage its capabilities across various codebases.
  4. Learning from Usage: Copilot continuously learns from developer interactions, improving its suggestions over time based on community usage and feedback.

GitHub Copilot represents an innovative approach to code completion, utilizing machine learning to assist developers in writing code more efficiently, but it’s not a replacement for understanding the logic or intricacies of the code being written.

install: Github Copilot

9. Indent Rainbow

Indent Rainbow extension is a tool available for Visual Studio Code that enhances code readability by providing color highlighting for indentation levels in code files. This extension helps users visualize and distinguish different levels of indentation within their code, making it easier to identify nested blocks and improve code structure comprehension.

Key features include:

  1. Colorful Indentation: Highlights each level of indentation in a different color, creating a rainbow-like effect that makes nested blocks stand out more visibly.
  2. Improved Code Structure Visualization: Enhances the visibility and clarity of code structure, especially in languages where proper indentation signifies code blocks (e.g., Python, JavaScript, etc.).
  3. Customization: Allows users to customize the colors used for different indentation levels to fit their preferences or to ensure readability based on different themes or backgrounds.

install: Indent Rainbow

10. JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets

JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets is an extension available for Visual Studio Code that offers a collection of handy code snippets for JavaScript developers working with ECMAScript 6 (ES6) syntax. These snippets assist in writing code more efficiently by providing shortcuts for common ES6 features and patterns.

Key features include:

  1. ES6 Syntax: Offers snippets for various ES6 syntax features such as arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, spread/rest operators, classes, promises, and more.
  2. Code Generation: Provides shortcuts for generating ES6-specific code constructs, reducing the need for manually typing boilerplate code.
  3. Time-Saving: Streamlines the coding process by allowing developers to quickly insert ES6 code patterns and structures with minimal effort.

install: Javascript (ES6)

11. Live Sass Compiler

Live Sass Compiler is a popular extension for Visual Studio Code that enables real-time compilation of Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) code into CSS directly within the editor. It’s a valuable tool for web developers working with Sass, as it automates the process of converting Sass files into corresponding CSS files as you write or save your Sass code.

Key features include:

  1. Live Compilation: Automatically compiles Sass (.scss) files into CSS whenever changes are made and saved in the Sass files.
  2. Customizable Settings: Allows customization of settings such as output directory for compiled CSS, file extensions, and more to fit the project’s requirements.
  3. Error Reporting: Provides error feedback in case of syntax errors or compilation issues, assisting in identifying and resolving problems in the Sass code.

After installation and setup, you can start working on your Sass files (.scss) in Visual Studio Code. Live Sass Compiler will automatically detect changes in your Sass files and compile them into corresponding CSS files, providing a smoother development experience for working with Sass within the editor.

install: Live Sass Compiler

12. Live Server

Live Server is a popular extension for Visual Studio Code that allows developers to create a local development server with live reload capability. This extension simplifies the process of previewing web pages or web applications by launching a local server for your project and automatically refreshing the browser whenever changes are made to the project files.

Key features include:

  1. Local Development Server: Quickly sets up a local server for your web project, enabling you to view and interact with your web pages or applications locally.
  2. Live Reload: Automatically refreshes the browser whenever changes are saved in the project files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.), providing a real-time preview of the changes made.
  3. Support for Dynamic Content: Handles dynamic content generation and updates, ensuring that changes made to server-side scripts (such as Node.js, PHP, etc.) are reflected in the browser.

Once the server is started, Live Server will launch a local development server and open your project in the default browser. Any changes you make to your project files will be automatically detected and reflected in the browser, providing a seamless and efficient way to preview and develop web applications locally in real-time.

install: Live server

13. Live Share

Live Share is a powerful collaboration extension for Visual Studio Code that enables real-time collaborative development and code sharing among multiple developers. It allows individuals or teams to work together on the same codebase, even if they are geographically distributed.

Key features include:

  1. Real-time Collaboration: Enables multiple developers to collaboratively edit and debug code in real time within Visual Studio Code.
  2. Shared Editing: Allows participants to simultaneously edit and modify code, see each other’s cursors, selections, and changes as they occur.
  3. Live Share Terminal: Provides the ability to share terminal sessions, enabling collaborative command-line interactions.
  4. Interactive Debugging: Supports interactive debugging sessions where participants can collectively debug and troubleshoot code together.
  5. Language-Agnostic: Works across various programming languages and frameworks supported by Visual Studio Code.

install: Live share

14. Peacock

Peacock is a Visual Studio Code extension designed to differentiate between multiple instances of the editor. It allows users to customize the color of the Visual Studio Code window to easily distinguish between different instances, aiding in multi-window or multi-project workflows.

Key features include:

  1. Color Customization: Enables users to assign distinct colors to different instances of Visual Studio Code. Each instance can have its own unique color, making it easier to identify and switch between them.
  2. Easy Identification: Helps in quickly recognizing which window corresponds to which project, enhancing productivity when working with multiple projects simultaneously.
  3. Seamless Integration: Simple and intuitive configuration within Visual Studio Code, allowing users to select colors easily and see changes in real time.

Select a color from the available options, and the Visual Studio Code window will be tinted with the chosen color, making it easily distinguishable from other instances. This extension is particularly useful for developers who often work with multiple projects or instances of Visual Studio Code concurrently, helping them stay organized and focused on specific projects.

install: Peacock

15. Prettier

Prettier is a widely-used code formatter extension for Visual Studio Code and various other code editors. It helps in maintaining consistent code style and formatting across a project by automatically formatting code according to predefined rules and configurations.

Key features include:

  1. Code Formatting: Automatically formats code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, etc.) to adhere to a consistent and predefined code style.
  2. Configurability: Allows customization of formatting rules and configurations to match specific project requirements, including indentation, line length, semicolons, and more.
  3. On-save Formatting: Supports automatic code formatting upon saving a file, ensuring that the code stays consistently formatted without manual intervention.

Prettier streamlines the code formatting process, ensuring consistency in coding styles across the project and minimizing the time spent on manual formatting, thus improving code readability and maintainability.

install: Prettier

16. Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

Tailwind CSS IntelliSense is an extension for Visual Studio Code that enhances the Tailwind CSS development experience by providing intelligent suggestions, autocompletion, and CSS class name insights within your HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Vue.js files.

Key features include:

  1. Autocompletion: Offers suggestions for Tailwind CSS class names as you type in your code, speeding up the process of applying Tailwind utility classes.
  2. Class Name Insights: Provides information about the available Tailwind CSS classes, including descriptions and previews, helping developers select the appropriate classes more efficiently.
  3. Dynamic Suggestions: Dynamically suggests classes based on the context of your code, making it easier to discover and apply Tailwind utility classes without leaving your editor.

Tailwind CSS IntelliSense significantly improves the development workflow by providing intelligent suggestions and information about Tailwind CSS classes, allowing developers to write code faster and more accurately while utilizing the extensive utility classes offered by Tailwind CSS.

install: Tailwind Intellisense

17. VSCode Icons

VSCode Icons refers to an extension available for Visual Studio Code that customizes the icons displayed in the editor’s file explorer to visually differentiate file types and folders. It replaces the default icons with a set of colorful and distinctive icons, allowing users to personalize their file explorer and quickly identify different file types based on their icons.

Key features include:

  1. Customized Icons: Provides a variety of colorful and unique icons for different file types, folders, and specific file formats, making it easier to visually distinguish between them.
  2. Icon Customization: Allows users to choose between different icon themes and styles according to their preferences.
  3. Enhanced Visual Identification: Improves the visual appearance of the file explorer, making it more engaging and easier to navigate through files and folders.

This extension aims to enhance the visual experience of navigating through files and folders within Visual Studio Code, allowing users to personalize their workspace and improve file identification through colorful and distinctive icons.

install: Vscode Icon

18. WakaTime

WakaTime is a productivity and time-tracking extension available for Visual Studio Code and various other code editors. It helps developers track the time they spend coding and provides insights and reports on their coding activities.

Key features include:

  1. Automatic Time Tracking: Automatically tracks the time spent coding in different programming languages and projects without manual intervention.
  2. Detailed Reports: Generates detailed reports and visualizations showcasing coding activity, including total coding time, project-wise breakdowns, language usage, and more.
  3. Productivity Insights: Provides insights into coding habits, such as daily/weekly coding trends, peak coding times, and programming language usage.
  4. Integration with Multiple Editors: Integrates seamlessly with various code editors, including Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, IntelliJ IDEA, and others.

WakaTime helps developers gain insights into their coding habits, track their productivity, and analyze how they allocate their time across different projects and programming languages. It assists in identifying patterns and optimizing workflow based on data-driven insights derived from coding activity.

install: Wakatime


Having explored 18 vital extensions that significantly enhance web development within Visual Studio Code, installing these extensions can elevate your developer productivity and greatly improve your experience as a web developer. Incorporate them now to streamline your workflow and elevate the quality of your coding journey.



Olayeye Muideen

ICode 👨‍💻| Junior Frontend web developer