Magazine With The Soul About JVM World

Alex Fruzenshtein
3 min readJan 27, 2017


Hey, Java community!

Finally I did it!

The first release of online magazine about JVM world is out. I guess many of you know about my blog where I’ve published a lot of posts about Spring framework, Hibernate and Scala. For more than four years I have been writing about java related stuff. And do you know what I have noticed for this time? There are a lot of awesome bloggers who create amazing content: tutorials, researches, how-to’s, best practices, infographics, etc. But almost all readers know nothing about them.

A great idea came to my mind: to acquaint my readers with the most brilliant bloggers.

But I guess you know how hard it is to create something new if you are a procrastinator. For more than 2 years I’ve been walking around the idea. And as it often happens, after the New Year I decided to complete all of the activities related to the magazine. Within 2 weeks I had gathered all interviews which I had with the bloggers (I’ll tell more about them below) and started composing them into a graphics. I’m not a designer by a profession, but I tried to embrace a content into something beautiful and readable. I mean colors, fonts and markup. As a result I proved to myself the words of Thomas A. Edison:

We often miss opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work

Fortunately, I forced myself to complete the first release in a pretty concise period of time. As for me, this circumstance has only one disadvantage: size of the magazine. Only 17 pages: 3 interviews and 1 article. You might be wondering, who is interested in reading so small magazine? But nowadays there are so many trash content on the internet that I decided to focus on quality. Let it be small but informative, interesting and useful enough.

I’m confident that the next release will contain more articles.

So what about the faces in the magazine? Who are they? First of all, they are great developers. Secondly, they are great contributors into JVM-community. For example, Federico Tomassetti publishes dozens of articles about Java and programming languages engineering, Toby Weston is the author of Java and Scala books. James Ward is a principal platform evangelist at Salesforce and a prominent speaker at conferences. All of them have solid knowledge of JVM technologies. It would be stupid to ignore such professionals.

By the end of 2017 I’m planning to make 3 releases of the FruzNotes magazine. It means that we will speak with at least 9 more experienced Java (Scala / Groovy / Kotlin / something JVM else) developers.

At this point I want to engage you into the magazine creation process. I’ll be extremely happy to see your impressions about it, listen to your ideas and suggestions. You know the thing is that I’ve already started to prepare the second release of FruzNotes.



Alex Fruzenshtein

Alex Zvolinskiy. Scala programmer, Blogger, E-Learning provider, @Fruzenshtein