FTB:: The New Face of Crypto — Investment on HitBtc

2 min readOct 16, 2017


FTB Fincoin will be listed on HitBTC, the global trading platform with multi-currency support thanks to which supporting the company will be much easier.

After the ICO — ending Tuesday, October 31 — the Italian start-up will begin to help people invest safely and easily both in crypto- and in traditional currencies. To pursue this goal, FTB has developed three products that, together with the concept of Blockchain, will change the way we think the investment sector:

  • Connect World Funds (CWFs) are the innovative system that enables clients to invest in the traditional common funds through the purchase of digital coins that can be managed without the typical barriers and limits that are often experienced with traditional investing. You should have heard of them by now — if not, you can read here how they work.
  • Crypto-Funds Investments are a safe way to invest your money in funds with different risk margins.
  • Cloud Funds are investment funds that are directly controlled by the users, where every decision is taken by the majority.

It may seem all quite straightforward, but for FTB this revolutionary path is no joke. It’s founded on strong values that emerge in their mission and vision and thanks to which the company and its activity are easily described in three words: decentralized, immediate, transparent.

Don’t miss the chance to take part in FTB’s ICO on Wavesplatform from 1st to 31st of October 2017!

Find out more about FTB :





