Resignation from The American Interest

Francis Fukuyama
2 min readJul 27, 2020


It is with great regret that I announce my resignation as chair of the editorial board of The American Interest. I helped to found TAI back in 2005, whose original purpose was to better explain the United States to the outside world, and the outside world to Americans. In the fifteen years since then, it has been home to an illustrious series of contributors who have turned it into a vibrant forum for civil discussion of the most important issues facing us.

I am resigning because I disagree with the publisher’s decision to terminate Jeff Gedmin as editor-in-chief. This decision was made without any input from me. In the short time that he has occupied this role, I believe that Jeff has done an excellent job in cultivating a broad set of contributors, and broadening as well the focus of the magazine. The publisher has indicated an interest in taking the magazine in a different direction. I wish him well in this endeavor, but it is not one that I wish to participate in.

TAI developed into its current form as a result of the incredible hard work and dedication of its staff, both past and present, some of whom have been with the publication from its inception. It has benefited from the work of many brilliant contributors, and I would like to thank them for making TAI their outlet of choice. I myself have written a great deal for the magazine over the years, and am sorry that I will have to look for other publication venues.

Francis Fukuyama
Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
Mosbacher Director, Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law
Director, Ford Dorsey Masters in International Policy



Francis Fukuyama

Senior Fellow at Stanford's Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies; formerly professor at Johns Hopkins SAIS and George Mason.