Key Metrics for Mobile Apps in 2021

3 min readJun 21, 2021


Photo by Balázs Kétyi on Unsplash

At FunCorp, we believe that if a metric is tracked every day, it starts to grow. So here comes an important question: what metrics should be followed daily, and how to measure them?

We’ll review the ten critical metrics for daily analysis useful in any mobile app. These metrics are essential to scaling and measuring the success of an app:


DAU is the number of users who opened the application at least once on a particular day. The more our DAU is, the more advertising inventory and revenue from it will be.


This is the ratio of the DAU versus the number of users who opened the app at least once in the last seven days. It shows the retention of the whole user base. The higher the retention is, the better. In iFunny, this metric reaches ¾.

Retention at the moment

Another retention metric is the number of users in DAU who were in the application yesterday. The metric is similar to DAU / WAU but shows retention at the moment. If the app performed poorly yesterday and there was a bad user experience, fewer users would return today.

DAU per-app opened

If DAU suddenly increases or falls, it’s important to understand why. To do this, we divide all the users who open the app into cohorts based on the way iFunny was launched:

  • Opened the application by tapping an icon
  • Opened by push-notification
  • Opened by deeplink

Such statistics show the main technical and product problems. We work a lot with push notifications and content sharing funnels, so it’s important to monitor their KPIs.

DAU community

This is the number of users who perform at least one of the following actions:

  • Write a comment
  • Publish content
  • Repost content
  • Subscribe to someone
  • Write messages in the chat room

These users are only 10%, but they are the ones who create the hype and the agenda. These users are challenging and expensive to acquire, and they have the most significant influence on the community and business. That’s why they get special attention.

Sessions Per User

A session is considered a set of events from the user and 30 minutes of his/her inactivity afterward. On average, a user makes 7.5 sessions per day, and any product or technical problems are instantly reflected in this figure.

Views Per User

Depth of view is how many memes a user watches per day. We count it separately for each of the content feeds: featured, collective, explore, profile. It directly influences the advertising inventory. The more this number is, the better.

Average time in-app per user

This is the average number of minutes spent in the application per user in DAU. We are close to 60 minutes per day, which is on the same level as the top social networks and messengers. It’s cool to know that every day in total, users spend more than 9,000 years (or 3 million days) on iFunny.

Actions per user

And finally, content metrics:

  • Number of “likes” per 1000 impressions
  • Number of “dislikes” per 1000 impressions
  • Amount of “shares” per 1000
  • Amount of “saves to gallery” per 1000
  • Number of “reposts”
  • Number of zooms
  • Number of comments per 1000
  • Number of abuses
  • How much time the user has been watching the content

Good content should engage. The more the engagement is, the more the value to the user will be.

And that’s it for now, click the “like” and “share” buttons.




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