Top 10 Disney Princesses. Can You Name Them?

Fun World Quiz
2 min readSep 19, 2021

Can You Name These Top 10 Disney Princesses?

In this Disney trivia quiz, you are challenged to name top 10 Disney princesses. Disney has made a few notorious characters on both film and TV series, we don’t think anything approaches the dazzling Disney Princesses. Throughout the long term, these Disney courageous women filled in as good examples to each developing youngster.

Pondering who the entirety of the Disney Princesses are? Arranging your Disney World outing and wanting to meet the entirety of the Disney Princesses? This Disney Princess rundown won’t just share the entirety of the Disney Princess Names yet in addition to fun realities about each and what to ask them when you meet them at Disney World!

Alongside our number one Disney film, the majority of us have a most loved Disney Princess too! On the off chance that you’re similar to us and have a universal knowledge of our number one princess yet are a bit confused on the others, we share a total rundown of Princess names and some pleasant realities about each!

We as a whole have a most loved Disney film, correct? Regardless, of whether it’s the principal film we at any point saw or we simply love the cheerful completion, the greater part of us has one film that we are attracted to.

So can you name these top ten Disney princesses? Click “Let’s play” button below to start!

Originally published at on September 19, 2021.



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