1 day left for 20% Bonus & Team Updates

2 min readJul 3, 2017


Dear Supporters,
It has been a whirlwind month at FundYourselfNow. We made great progress over the last few weeks. Our crowdsale bonus period ends tommorrow at 4th July 2pm UTC+8 so don’t miss this opportunity to participate Now!

Interviews In Press

We are excited to be interviewed by the largest business publication in Singapore, Business Times Newspaper. We also had a QA session with Coininterview answering hard hitting questions about FYN!

Soft Launch of FYN

We plan to do a soft launch for FYN in Q4 2017. with the first batch of projects being listed on the platform by October 2017. Development work will run in parallel with the soft launch.

New Projects

Since last month, we are in advanced discussions with new projects over the world. such as LordMancers 2 (App Store). LordMancers brings the gameplay of the award winning Heroes of Might and Magic strategy game series to the mobile platform and adds in an multiplayer element to make it far more enjoyable. We are also in advanced discussion with a few other companies.

Join our Team

We are scaling our team rapidly as we reach the end of our funding period. If you are a talented senior developer looking to build a cool product and contribute, do email us at contact@fundyourselfnow.com. At our previous company, we were featured in the news for being exemplary employers.

