Dec Updates for FundYourselfNow & Major Announcement on Dec 15th
4 min readDec 13, 2017


Over the last month at FYN, our team has been working hard everyday to deliver real value to all our supporters and token holders. Overall this update is split into 3 parts: Marketing, Projects & Financials and Development with the details below.

Do note that there is a major press release announcement related to exchanges, partnerships and more, coming up on Dec 15th and we would like all our supporters to help us retweet or share on facebook to spread the word on FYN to your friends!

We would like to thank each one of you for all your feedback so far. I make an effort to read every email that comes into our inbox at

Let’s work together to make Great Ideas Happen!

FYN December Updates

Marketing Updates

As mentioned in the last month update, we are focusing on content generation to drive traffic and user signups on our main website and give users a reason to return.

You can find our newly designed news portal up at

Our aim for this month is to continue generating unique and interesting articles, covering topics related to token sales & general crypto-currency education. We are working to get on-board a full time writer as we scale up our content generation. Our aim for this month is to produce 5–7 articles every week, published on our own news website and partner medium websites such as Hackernoon .

We will also be translating the popular content in different languages too such as Chinese, Vietnamese and Russian.

Other key milestones that we achieved over the last month

Twitter Followers -> Broke the 5000 followers mark

Telegram Group -> 1k active Telegram members hit finally!

MarkedShot Photo Challenge -> Over 700 participants

The focus for the marketing team at FYN this month can be summarized in 3 points

  1. Generate unique content for FYN News
  2. Continue to grow FYN social media community. There will be more upcoming competitions.
  3. Spread more information on FYN tokens and the benefits

Completed Crowdfunded Projects Updates

We have completed our first two crowdfunding projects on the FYN platform, WandX and Genaro. WandX raised close to 2000 ETH while Genaro raised around 20k ETH. We are quite happy with the curation criteria we put in place to protect our investors. WandX has been up 10% and Genaro is up around 20%. Both tokens are traded now on Etherdelta and we have completed token distribution and airdrop bonus distribution to our participants. We expect the token price to appreciate further once they hit the larger exchanges.

A more detailed analysis of the airdrop bonus will be put in a later post.

FYN Token Price & Company Financial Projections

Currently, we are accepting FYN tokens for crowdfunding services that we offer, such as listing & marketing services. Last month, also marked as the first month, where we got our first revenue streams from listing, ICO advisory services and commissions from the crowdsale. Starting January, we will be aggressively expanding our sales team to promote our products & services. Our aim is to become profitable by mid 2018.

Our FYN token is currently at an all time high of $3.65 . The price tripled from the average $1.50 price of FYN at the start of Nov.

Stay tuned for our major announcement coming out on Dec 15th.

Development Work

Over the last month we completed a significant amount of development work and issue fixing. Major Enhancements include

  1. Multi-language support for FYN. Vietnamese has been completed and we are looking to add Chinese/Korean/Russian in the near future.
  2. Support for Cash Payment & Automated ETH confirmations.
  3. Created New UI designs for Homepage.
  4. Projects Reviews & Comments page.

In this month we are working on:

  1. Talent/Bounty Marketplace for Project Creators

Initial Functional Design has been completed and the developers are starting to work on it. We expect it to launch by late Jan 2018.

2. Start initial development in RSK Bitcoin Smart Contracts.

We are part of the Beta Program and we are looking at being the first few platforms to offer smart contract powered bitcoin Tokensales. The plan is to launch it in Q2 of next year when it goes out of Beta.

3. Refactoring of current FYN codebase so that future development work is faster and easier.

Currently we are running on a traditional LAMP Stack and we are refactoring our code and transitioning to the MEAN stack. The new code will be rewritten from PHP to Node.js & database will be migrated from MYSQL to mongoDB.

Our talent marketplace will be built in Node.JS. We are on-boarding more resources to minimize the impact of code refactoring on our development timeline.

I know there is a lot to happen, and we are trying to make it happen as soon as we can. Thanks for your support once again!

P.S: I also got married last month in Nov and it has really been awesome so far.

Kenneth Tan

Co-Founder, FundYourselfNow.

