FundYourselfNow: Our Goals for September
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2017

In the past month, we have been working actively on our soft launch scheduled in early October, while scaling up our development team & marketing team. Additionally, our site will also have a Chinese version, to provide Chinese backers with quality international projects following the closure of crowdfunding sites such as ICOinfo in China.

The soft launch will mainly focus on the token sale projects for now, due to strong demand and interest. Our aim is to get immediate revenue to reduce our burn rate and start promoting FYN to our potential partners and helpers before our official launch in early Q1 2018.

Over the next month, we will be running campaigns to generate interest in FYN and build up our community. One such ongoing contest is the FYN meme contest. Do join if you still haven’t started yet!

In terms of strategy and partnership, Roland Schwinn, with over 25 years of experience in the financial markets, has joined our advisory board. Another new advisor with vast blockchain experience is slated to join us very soon.

Lastly, we are actively reaching out to partners to join our talent marketplace all over the world in key markets such as USA, China, Russia, Korea & Japan.We are also starting an advisory arm where we will help companies with their token sales. On a daily basis, we get 3–5 enquiries.

If you are an entrepreneur looking to start your own token sale or to launch your idea, please free feel to email us at

