How to participate in FundYourselfNow Crowdsale
Published in
4 min readMay 26, 2017

To take part in the FundYourselfNow Crowdsale, please create an account first here

After logging in to the portal, you will see the following on the dashboard:

FYN Dashboard

On the Dashboard, you will see your current balance of FYN tokens, the current crowdsale price and all our important announcements.

It will also contain the smart contract address for you to deposit your Ethereum into. DO NOT SEND YOUR ETHERS TO ANY OTHER ADDRESSES POSTED IN OUR SLACK OR TELEGRAM CHAT (there have been many people impersonating as admin staff in other crowdsales).

The following is a tutorial on how to deposit your Ethereum to our smart contract address. As this is a demo, please do not send any Ethereum to the example addresses we used in this tutorial.

Steps to Follow

Step 1:

(If you already have a wallet, you can skip Steps 1 and 2).

On the dashboard, click on the link to get a wallet. This will open up a page to Generate a wallet and save your wallet file. This will be the wallet that you will use to send ETH and receive FYN tokens.

Warning: Do not use exchange wallets (e.g. kraken wallet) as the wallet to send ETH and receive FYN Tokens

Keystone File for Wallet
Private key for Wallet

Step 2:

Once you have created the wallet, make a copy of your address (see red box below).

Wallet Address

Step 3:

Return to the FYN Portal and type in your wallet address in the Profile Page under the “ETH Sending Address” section. This will allow you to track your FYN token balance and ensure that we will be able to assist you if there are any issues.

Ethereum Address on Profile Page

Step 4:

Switch back to and click on “Send Ether & Tokens”. Login with your wallet file that you saved in Step 1. You can also use myetherwallet with your existing hardware wallet, e.g. ledger nano S.

Send Ether & Tokens (myetherwallet)

Step 5:

Click on “Add Custom Token” Key in the Token address provided on the dashboard. The token symbol is “FYN” and Decimals is “18”.

Add in FYN Custom Token
FYN Token show

Step 6:

Once completed, you will be able to see the token balance for FYN. To buy FYN, send ETH to the contract address shown on the FYN portal dashboard. Please set the gas amount to a minimum of 150,000. Generate and confirm the transaction to send the ETH over. Note that the exchange rate is 0.01 ETH for 1.4FYN (presale), 1.2FYN (for first 3 weeks of crowdsale), and 0.01 ETH for 1 FYN after that.

Send Ether to Smart Contract

Step 7:

To check your transaction status, click on “ETH (Https://”) on Sometimes the transaction will fail, due to lack of Gas provided. You will have to resend the ether and repeat Step 6 again. The transaction takes an average of a few minutes to be completed.

Transaction history at

Step 8:

Once the transaction is completed, myetherwallet will reflect your FYN token balance, under the Token Balance section.

You have come to the end of the tutorial. For any questions, please email us at You can also contact killerzk (Kenneth Tan), and jackskw84 (Jack Ser) if you wish to have a voice chat. You can also join our slack group.

We look forward to your continued support. We are currently liaising with major exchanges globally to get our coin listed.

