Passion is key, says technopreneur Eddie Chau

2 min readAug 11, 2016


Eddie Chau

When he was 39, Eddie Chau left his illustrious corporate career for the world of tech start-ups — arguably a risky move back in 2000, just as the dotcom bubble was about to burst.

Yet Eddie, an IBM and Computer Associates veteran, trusted his gut and took a chance because he felt “it was time.”

Fast forward 16 years: Eddie is now the founder and chairman of wearables start-up Neeuro Pte Ltd, and a co-founding partner at start-up incubator TNF Ventures.

Unlike when he started out, he says entrepreneurs can now find mentors through incubator and accelerator programmes, as well as institutes of higher learning.

“It is an important part of the ecosystem,” he quipped. “It is always good to hear from someone who has gone through the process; who has been there, done that.”

Eddie added that mentorship, talent, people and an openness to sharing experiences all play key roles in establishing a vibrant and conducive start-up ecosystem.

To him, however, passion is still “of utmost importance” because it helps entrepreneurs and start-up founders last longer than if they were motivated by short-term financial gains.

Eddie founded Neeuro in 2013, out of a desire to empower society to live happier, healthier and more productive lives through mental wellness and better sleep.

Today, he is still just as motivated to improve society at large, and is now focusing on companies that bring about lasting, positive social impact through technology.

However, Eddie cautions that passion must be tempered by an awareness that the road ahead will be long and difficult.

Setbacks are inevitable for start-ups. He believes this makes passion and grit especially important when a company hits its first major roadblock.

“Adversity is the test that ultimately decides whether a company bounces back or comes to the end of their journey.”

Interview conducted by Cheryl Chong, FundedHere’s Head of Private Investors

