How to Register to Step)

Funded Trader FX
7 min readJan 24, 2023


in order for you to sign up for my forex forms accounts you must first of all have an idea of the kind of program you want to go for right

so there are three programs we have the rapid evaluation and acceleration program but in this video we’re going to be going with the evaluation program because this is what most of you will be going for right so using um this the information on the evaluation program and for the minimum amount and you are going to see that’s for 80 for paying 84 dollars you’re going to get a 10 thousand dollars account and you can see all the prices right all right

so and you’re not going to pay any monthly fee whatsoever okay so all these are details right so what we’re going for now we’re going for this particular one we’ll go for this uh a 100 okay account so all you have to do whenever you yeah just click on the one you want so in this scenario we just clicked on this 100k account. we are on the registration page so as you can see this is the amount we are going to receive all right so if you sign up with my affiliate link below you are going to get a discount so ensure that you do that so that you’ll be able to receive a discount uh for your registration all right so this option is for uh online standard evaluation right so you can go ahead and read the evaluation rules and guidelines brought to your registration if you want to right so all you have to do next is just click on register now once you click on register it’s going to take you to this page

remember that before you come to this page you might have clicked on my affiliate link below to secure your discount all right so it also helps from the channel you know what i’m trying to say right okay

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so um here we are on this is the amount we we are going to pay right all right so what you want to do now is you are going to put in your details to allow me to put in my details alright so now that we have imputed our details what we want to do is there are two payment method you can actually use you can either use your credit or debit card or you can use cryptocurrency so if you are in africa or in a country where um where they don’t allow forex for you know by paying through your bank just go for the bitcoin right for instance if you’re in nigeria just go for a cryptocurrency right so that’s what we’re going to be doing now so

i’m going to pick this one the second option so in your case you might want you might want to pick the first option so let’s pick the second option and check mark this box and click on proceed okay i’m gonna put an a and let’s try that again and boom there you are so we’re going to be prompted to make a payment right so if you are using a crypto you just go ahead and choose the one that you want to be with you can play with bitcoin thorium light command bitcoin cash

so i’ll be going for bitcoin cash all right so we’re going to be using bitcoin cash for this now one of the reason i want to use this is because of the low transaction fee and as you can see the exchange rate expires at once this countdown is over so ensure you pay within this time uh window all right so by so doing you will actually have a a better uh chance of you know of the payment going through once and for all right so we’re going to be choosing the bitcoin cash all right so we’re going to click on the bitcoin cash and these are the details that are actually needed so i’m going to be using my mobile phone for making the payment to ensure that everything is intact the amount and the address so we’re going to quiet and click on bitcoin cash and we’re going to click on withdraw then in the place of address pasting the address we’re going to scan okay let’s scan and okay it’s showing that woodrow address is wrong so this is the reason i’m going to copy the amount okay come on okay so i’m going to remove this ensure you don’t make a mistake guys okay so we’re going to remove this as well so make sure that you don’t make a mistake all right so this is the address and ensure that the amount is well copied right

so i’m going to paste the amount right now and this is the accurate amount ensure that it’s accurate all right so what you want to do now is we’re going to click on withdraw then click on confirm now ensure that you have um a very strong internet connection so we’re going to go ahead and put our verification uh or stuff right so just go ahead and do this so i’m gonna do this then i will come back right all right so we’re going to click on submit okay so as you can see the requests have been submitted successfully

so just hold on ensure that you stay on the page for at least for some minutes then let’s refresh our mobile phone and you see the withdrawal have been completed on our phone right here so let’s see if we still have the balance okay so it’s it’s confirming you can see it’s processing right so we wait we ensure that with the the processing is done in order for us to ensure that everything was done the right way right so make sure that you use my affiliate link below if you want to you know uh because it actually helps you as you can see it says zero of one confirmations so we’re going to wait for the confirmations right so it’s processing so you’ve successfully sent a payment while waiting for it to be verified by the network your payment has received zero of one confirmation so it is very simple enter your email if you like a receipt sent to you so if you want your receipt to be sent to you

just put in an email so i’m just going to put in my email normally you don’t have to okay but if you want to you you can go ahead because um my forex fonts is going to send you uh my forex phone is going to send you an email so let’s check if actually they are sent us an email and there you are so thanks for creating an account for my first ones your username is no that’s it right so wait show you wait stay on this page till it is confirmed right so we’re going to stay on this page till it gets confirmed and there you are so it has been confirmed and this is uh all that details right you can see the this is our details everything is intact right

this is the amount of paid the method and so on all your details are here right so they will send you another email of which we’ve received and the email is going to be based on your receipt right you can see the receipt and the others right right so that’s it guys that’s exactly how you can create an account using my forex fund

my first fund is one of the best profile out there better than ftmo and other prop films out there believe me!

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Funded Trader FX

A full-time trader dedicated time and energy to the markets. Enjoy Travel and seeking for delicious dishes.