Announcing Fungible: Secure and Transparent Tokenization Platform

Fungible Network
2 min readOct 11, 2018


When we started looking at the tokenization space in the summer of 2017, we realized that most of the products being offered are lacking certain practices and methodologies that are widely used in the traditional ETF markets. In particular, the peg between the token and the underlying asset is not transparent while the underlying asset is not stored in a secure manner. In short, the token is not truly fungible to the asset.

With Fungible Platform, we set out to fix these issues. We created a system where anyone can safely issue tokens backed by real-world assets. Our background is building high-frequency trading platforms and designing financial instruments like ETF’s and others. We have leveraged this experience and all that we have learned to build the Fungible Platform using the new distributed and decentralized technologies.

Our goal is to make the Fungible Platform the new standard for making real-world assets available to a global user base in a crypto format. Just like the internet was able to democratize and free information (at least to some degree, as we now see with the latest Facebook and other scandals), crypto’s goal is to free the financial capital markets. With the Fungible Platform, we hope to play a role in this change.

We view crypto tokens as perfect containers for digitized assets and we see a future were everyone worldwide is able to buy any asset, 24/7 in a crypto format on regulated crypto exchanges. But more importantly, we see endless variations of baskets of assets that will be tokenized and offered to users, satisfying any conceivable or yet to be conceived investment theme. These tokenized securities, in addition to being regulatory compliant, will be successful only if the connection between the token and the underlying asset is secure, transparent and liquid. Fungible’s mission is to create the gateway from traditional finance to the crypto world. We have created an onramp, where asset-backed tokens are issued with underlying assets held in proper custody with audits and transparent administration.

What’s next for Fungible? We are getting ready for an alpha release of the platform. Please, follow us on twitter and subscribe to our Medium blog to learn of the alpha release when it becomes available.

