What Star Trek can tell me about the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Future Philanthropic
3 min readOct 24, 2023


C’mon, take our side!

I write History in my “real life” so this is not going to be historical, all inclusive, or too serious. Even Historians need a break. Maybe that is why I watch so much Star Trek?

Voyager: Season 4: Episode 4 “Nemesis”


Is it ever not appropriate to give a spoiler alert? If you haven’t watched this episode, go check it out!

Voyager’s “Nemesis” episode is a lesson on propaganda. It is also a time to step back and realize that both sides have their reasons.

Chakotay finds himself on a planet, thrown into a conflict between two species. Initially, he tries to stay out of it. However, he is forced to witness terrible acts of war and aggression towards seemingly innocent defenders. Eventually, he begins to hate the opposition and wants to fight back. To the death!

At the same time, Voyager is attempting to locate him. They contact some of the planet’s inhabitants and are told about the horrible war crimes being committed by their Nemesis. Voyager is learning the same lessons that Chakotay is.

Then. Plot twist. The “good guys” Voyager has been speaking with come aboard the ship and…it is the ENEMY! At least, the enemy from Chakotay’s point of view. For Voyager, THESE are the victims.

We find out that Chakotay has been brainwashed by the people whose territory his shuttle craft landed in. For all intents and purposes, he could have just as easily landed on the opposite side and come out believing the same things about the people he was fighting for.

Okay. We don’t know the History of these two species. One would hope and think that the History would somehow make it clear which one is right and which is wrong, but as we know from reality…that doesn’t always help.

The Balfour Statement was given by the British in 1917. That means that over 106 years have passed since the spark of true division in the Palestinian region…No, I am not getting deeper or more technical than that.

My point is, nobody was alive when this started. Everyone is the victim and everyone is right and everyone is wrong.

What we learn from Voyager is summarized by Captain Janeway, when Chakotay asks if the side he was against really WASN’T doing those terrible things. She says, “I don’t know, but the other side claims the exact same thing.” She probably worded it slightly differently than that. I am going off memory.

So, when asked which side I am on? I figure. I am in orbit. This is not my war. I cannot truly feel what either side feels.

All I know, is my heart goes out for the people caught up in all of this. Even the ones pulling the triggers.

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Future Philanthropic

I am writing about making money, paying off debts, getting healthier and happier, and all the questions and thoughts I have along the way.