2 Phase Plan

Fuzzle Prime
2 min readJun 5, 2023


The two-phase plan was developed to operate in the worst economic conditions. This plan focuses on providing users with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in Phase 1, followed by community-driven development in Phase 2. Let’s explore the key features and benefits that make this plan exciting and rewarding for Fuzzle owners.

Phase 1: Minimum Viable Product

Events: Engage in events to earn valuable rewards.

Inventory: Connect your wallet to view all your Fuzzle-related digital assets, such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and digital consumables.

Fuzzle Employment: Earn rewards by watching ads and discovering interoperability benefits, while also gaining helpful information on AI use cases to help you in your daily life.

AI Services: Access three AI-powered services, including interactive conversations with your Fuzzle, AI-generated content writing, and an image generation tool.

Credit System:


Phase 2: Community Driven Development

Feature Voting: Propose and vote on new features and improvements, ensuring all software aligns with the community’s needs and preferences.

Iterative Development: Regular updates implement the most popular and impactful features, with transparent communication of the development roadmap to keep users engaged and excited.

From participating in events and Fuzzle employment to earn rewards through accessing AI services, Phase 1 sets the foundation. Phase 2 empowers users to shape the future by voting for features and enjoying regular updates.

Note: As always. This was written by the few of us. You are a part of the team too. The plans presented in the two-phase plan, are subject to change due to internal and external factors. We cannot guarantee the final implementation as described. If you have any comments or concerns in regards to the information discussed, please let us know in our Discord server: https://discord.gg/Cx3XSeUCbs



Fuzzle Prime

Fuzzle is an out-of-this-world interactive entertainment experience featuring groundbreaking “living” NFT you can talk to, and play with.