I’m “steaming” my hair and I don’t know what to do with myself

A sexual journey

4 min readMay 26, 2017

The first guy I kissed was K.

It was at some summer camp and we’d be going steady for two weeks. We met the second day of camp and he happened to be on my table. I was staring at him while I zoned out whatever was happening around me. “Hi, I’m K,” he said with a smile. It turned out I was sitting at a table filled with his brothers and cousins. The table was empty when I sat down and I somehow missed a herd gather around me. The first thing I said to K was “I hate this place.” I think that’s when he decided he liked me. He was 4 years older and I thought he was the cutest thing, though. We used to listen to sit outside the hostel and listen to music. He used to buy me all the Coke I wanted too. The girls on my team thought I was the coolest. It was new feeling. Throughout camp, we never got physical. I think we held hands or something, but nothing major. The last day of camp, we sat for a long time not saying anything. There was a lot of noise around us — the boys wanted to get into the girls’ dorm, the girls wanted to get into the boys’ dorm, and both sides were egging the other on, waiting for who would take the first step. K and I (and some other “couples”) sat in the middle of that just sad at the fact that we’d never see each other again after the next morning. The noise got to the facilitators and a few came to send us to sleep. I hugged K goodnight and I just knew he was going to kiss me. He held the back of my head as he did and my only thought was, “Wait, there’s teeth?”

The first dick I sucked was D’s.

We were kinda together but not really. Honestly I was fine with it because I didn’t have the false sense of security I had with O. But D was annoying cos he always wanted to go second base. He was…randy, but at the same time fun because he was one of the few guys who I knew had alcohol at school. My friends didn’t like him. Or at least, they didn’t like what we had together. He was 3 years older and I liked his arm. He used to work out a lot and I had a thing for his biceps. We’d walk arm in arm to wherever and I’d use my other hand to stroke his biceps. He asked me to suck his dick one day we were making out. I don’t think he actually expected me to do it, but I was a bit curious about the whole thing so I said whatever. I thought his dick was ugly. I asked him to walk me through the process and he said I should put it in my mouth and do whatever. So I put it in my mouth and did whatever.

The first cum I swallowed was N’s.

I had watched a ton of blowjob tutorials on YouTube and was pretty decent at fellatio. I knew about rhythm, grip and lubrication. I knew to do the noises too so I was pretty set. N and I were together but not quite together. He was 5 months younger and he used to come over whenever his family drove him mad. We’d watch movies on my laptop and then have sex. I wouldn’t say he was experimental but he liked to do things cos they were popular. Like the time we wined, dined and 69ed. I wasn’t sure if we did it because he heard it in a song or because Kevin said it in an episode of The Office. Personally, I don’t like fucking after eating because I hate the sound the water makes in my tummy (I like to drink water. Bite me) but sometimes I do it regardless. Anyway, N was that sort of person. He liked to feel nasty too. I let him have it because I liked him…also because I’m nice. N’s cum tasted like a nasty surprise. Did I mention he was a smoker? Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t exactly palatable either. He’s one of the reasons I tell people to drink water. Have mercy on your partners.

The first ass I ate was B’s.

I’m not sure if he asked or if I happened to wander there. I mean, I was pretty much happy feeling the texture of his balls with my tongue and then we just sorta figured I could venture lower. I knew nothing of eating ass and I had neither watched any videos nor read any articles. I just stuck my tongue in and did whatever. There’s was no particular taste but there was a slight…musk that was all B. It turned me on, if we’re honest. He seemed to like whatever I was doing and I made all the right noises. Do you know what a rusty trombone is? It’s one of my favourite instruments. When I was done, B thanked me and I felt…elevated.

This is one of those things that have no meaning. It doesn’t particularly have a design and it’s not particularly finished. I may or may not come back to it.




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