USA Visitors Insurance —

The Ultimate Guide to Preparing for Visiting Parents

G1G Travel
7 min readSep 20, 2017


Your parents are coming to visit, all the way from Asia! Europe! South America! That’s awesome! But, the question is, are you ready for them?

We get it. You’re stoked to see them. But you’re also a bit overwhelmed because there’s so much to do to prepare for mom and dad’s extended stay. Maybe it’s been months since you’ve seen them. And years since you last lived with them. No worries! G1G will guide you through a pain free visit from your parents — no matter the duration of their trip.

What’s that? They’re staying for three months? Alright, this is going to take some serious planning. But you’ve got this!

Getting Them Here

Let’s start at the beginning, and get the logistics out of the way. First, your parents will need to take care of a few things on their end by visiting the U.S. consulate to retrieve some necessary paperwork. This should include a passport and D-160 visa permit.

To improve their odds of approval for the D-160 visa, make sure your parents are able to assure authorities that, in accordance with their visa choice, they plan to visit the US — not immigrate there.

This may include proof of ownership of property, a detailed itinerary specifying a return date, and any other permanent connections to their home country. In some cases, you may need to serve as a sponsor if your parents are not fully able to do so themselves.

Some visitors may be eligible for a visa waiver. However in most cases, it’s easier to just get the visa. And most likely, they’ll also need to fill out an Electronic System for Travel Authorization 72 hours prior to their departure. Visit the links provided for a more detailed explanation of these procedures.

The more confident you are that all documents are in order the more likely your parents will have a smooth customs process as well.

Food for thought…

As you browse flights and assess different route options, consider your parent’s ability to navigate multiple foreign airports. For older parents, or those who don’t speak English well, you might consider using a service such as Trip Companion to insure there’s someone looking out for mom and dad, while in the air and once they land. This site pairs travelers, who are already on the same flight, with people who could use assistance while in the air or getting through security.

Consider Their Well Being

As your parents get older, more frequent health concerns may unfortunately arise, especially when you factor in the stress of travel. While America has the best medical facilities in the world, it’s important to plan ahead of time to be sure your parents have access to these services. That’s why G1G offers a plethora of visitor insurance policies to choose from that will meet the specific needs of each parent.

Visitors Insurance protects your friends and relatives coming to the United States during their trip. Should any medical emergency or urgent health issue occur, coverage will be taken care of. These policies also offer financial protection against costs from illness, injury, and death.

It’s true that the United States healthcare system itself provides excellent treatment and care. But receiving easy and affordable access to that treatment is often difficult without health insurance. In the event of a medical emergency, visitors insurance allows your relatives and friends to visit any doctor or hospital without restriction.

You might even want to use this time together as a chance to check in on your parent’s overall well-being, and the healthiness of their habits. South Asia Heart Center has identified diet, exercise, and stress reduction as keys to improving longevity and reducing the risk of chronic disease. They offer personalized affordable programs to help assess and manage risk factors that are specific to your parents. And don’t worry if you’re not in driving distance. They also offer phone consultations to support your parents on the path of healthy living.

So, without interrogating them — no matter how free they feel to do it to you, find out how your parents have been feeling. And try to get an idea of their overall health and wellness. Be sensitive, while making it clear, how much you care.

Explaining What to Expect

Now that you’ve confirmed plans to get your parents here and purchased quality visitors insurance, you can start letting them know what to expect. This may include reminding them to pack the right clothes for the current season in your region, or preparing them for cultural oddities that might catch them off guard. Imagine the look on your mother’s face if someone like the Bush Man (RIP) jumped out at her while you two stroll through the streets of San Francisco.

You’d never hear the end of that one!

Think back to what shocked you the most during your early days in the U.S.- or to what still doesn’t make much sense today. Maybe it’s the overt displays of emotions from strangers, or the strict rules about waiting in line. Give your parents a heads up about these things, so they’ll have a better idea of how different the U.S. can be.

Sharing Your World

Regardless of eccentricities and cultural differences, your parents are people too and want to enjoy their vacation. Sure they’ll be happy to see you and all, but just staring at each other will get old pretty quickly — for both of you.

Don’t be afraid to show them the unusual sights and unique characteristics of your home. This can be a chance to truly give them a glimpse into what your life looks like now.

While you may think your father wouldn’t enjoy drinking a beer in Dolores Park and playing frisbee with your friends, remember that he was once a young man himself, and may have enjoyed similar pastimes. The more confidently you present your life to him, the more willing he may be to accept it — friends and all.

And maybe you’re hesitant to introduce your parents to your usual band of misfit friends. Will they behave? What will your parents think of them? So many unknowns! But think of it this way. Each of your friends has, or once had a parent or parental figure in their life. So, think positively. You may be surprised at how well your friends conduct themselves depending on the company.

Even your wildest pals may surprise you and step up to the plate to interact with your parents in a way that won’t shock their senses. But just slightly push them out of their comfort zone. So, introduce mom and dad to the gang, and you might get to see a side of your friends and parents you never knew existed.

Now don’t forget, your parents will need rest just as much as they need entertainment (if not more). So, it’s ok to leave them at the apartment to relax after visiting a museum, while you run over to have coffee with a friend.

This will give them time to rest, and give you a chance to unwind.

Entertaining Your Parents

If your parents are staying for longer than a couple of weeks, you’ll want to branch out in the activities and entertainment options you offer. Once you’ve exhausted the tourist destinations and all of your favorite haunts, search for activities in your city that compliment your parent’s personal interests.

Look around your neighborhood for ideas to build a short term routine for them. Is there a yoga or meditation studio that could match your dad’s early rising? Does a local group tour a different museum every week that corresponds with your mother’s interest in art? You could even listen to the questions that your parents have about where you live, and what they are most curious about. Walking history of San Francisco? Haunted tour of Los Angeles? Butterfly gardens in the North Bay? Add them to the list!

If the timing is right, San Francisco State University has an Elder College program that invites people over the age of 50 to participate in regular university courses, for personal benefit rather than official credit. Can’t make it to San Francisco? No worries. Many other cities and counties offer extended learning opportunities for adults of all ages on a variety of subjects.

What if your dad has come to help you take care of the kids? In that case, find walking routes to the closest parks, and to the library. Find out if nearby zoos or wildlife centers have open days, or sign up for local craft workshops. If your parents are easing any child care strain, do whatever you can to make their time with your kids interesting and fun.

Just one last thing:


These are your parents. And they love you enough to sit in coach, on a 14 hour flight, with a layover in Houston! So, make sure you show your appreciation and cherish whatever time you have with them.

View their visit as an opportunity to strengthen your bond, but also to show them you’ve created a happy and fulfilling life. They love you. And want to know you’re well, and will be fine even after they’ve left. So, do what you can to prepare yourself and your family.

And don’t forget to purchase the G1G visitors insurance policy that’s right for them.

Then sit back, and enjoy the journey!



G1G Travel

Providing the highest quality travel insurance products to ease the burden of global citizens.