Creative AI and How It Works

Can AI learn to be creative?

3 min readNov 1, 2022


Creativity is a crucial aspect of human intellect and a problem for artificial intelligence. In three different ways, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques can be used to generate new ideas: by combining novel versions of well-known concepts; by investigating the potential of conceptual spaces; and by enacting transformations that make it possible to generate previously impractical concepts. Modeling the creation of new ideas will be easier for AI than automating their assessment.

Can AI learn to be creative?

The ultimate moonshot for artificial intelligence may be creativity. Already, AI has influenced artistic choices in movies, imitated the styles of famous artists, and helped create pop melodies. However, experts question how far AI should or should be used in the creative process.

The possibility for AI to be a real creative collaborator or even the author of solo works of art divided the thoughts of the 30 AI specialists and thought leaders we recently spoke with. The role of AI will surely grow, despite the fact that this discussion will probably last for some time as digital content and delivery systems continue to permeate all kinds of media and expression.

Experts contend that we’ve barely scratched the surface of what is possible. While advancements in AI mean that computers can be coached on some parameters of creativity, experts question the extent to which AI can develop its own sense of creativity. Can AI be taught how to create without guidance? Can it truly understand what is beautiful, perhaps by looking at pixel arrangements or color palettes?

“Just a few years ago, who would have thought we’d be able to teach a computer what is or is not cancer?” says Arvind Krishna, Senior Vice President of Hybrid Cloud and Director of IBM Research. “I think teaching AI what’s melodic or beautiful is a challenge of a different kind since it is more subjective, but likely can be achieved. You can give AI a bunch of training data that says, ‘I consider this beautiful. I don’t consider this beautiful.’ And even though the concept of beauty may differ among humans, I believe the computer will be able to find a good range. Now, if you ask it to create something beautiful from scratch, I think that’s certainly a more distant and challenging frontier.”

Augmenting creativity

Thought leaders ponder whether AI innovation will ultimately yield technology that can create without supervision or direction. But the bigger question remains: Should this be the goal of AI even if it is technically feasible?

In addition to providing inspiration, AI may also assist with more routine chores, particularly in the digital industry where much of the behind-the-scenes work is far from glamorous.

Machine learning and pattern recognition are two AI approaches that have already demonstrated their effectiveness in practically every field. Only a few industries, like healthcare, banking, and retail, are benefiting from improved cognitive ability. The limits of AI’s involvement in artistic undertakings will undoubtedly be tested. And while AI won’t ever fully replace the human soul of creation, it may undoubtedly be a clever, effective, and motivational helper that brings about a variety of positive effects.




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