The MANY versus the FEW

Moshe vs the Golden Calf

3,000 died that day…for idolatry

Gabriel Matthews
9 min readSep 15, 2022

I’ll bet you are wondering how long these could go on.

A while.

There are so MANY examples of this within Scripture. However, I will move on to some other topics again. But I may come back to this topic from time to time to continue to add to the teaching as a whole body of work. But for today:

The Golden Calf

I won’t paste in much of the Scripture, it is already available in your Bible or here. And we all know the story, sort of. So, let’s get into how this applies to the MANY.

The Almighty Father has delivered the Hebrews, now called Israelites, out of the bondage of slavery to the Egyptian Pharaoh. With those — potentially millions — of Israelites are an untold number of Egyptians, Ethiopians, North Africans, and possibly some other enslaved peoples from other lands that have joined themselves to the Israelites in their hasty exit from slavery. The number is entirely unknown, but it must have been significant, or Moshe would not have mentioned it in Scripture.

They crossed the Sinai Peninsula, down to the Red Sea where they crossed at the Gulf of Aqaba. The Father refreshed with the outpouring of water at the Rock of Rephidim. And after about 7-weeks they traveled around to the east side of Mount Sinai and set up camp. They have filled the eastern plain within sight of the mountain.

Read “What’s Carved in the Two Stone Tablets” for what happens here in the story.

After Moshe has delivered the initial instructions from Elohim and the people have agreed, accepted the terms of the contract (Ketuvim), and Moshe sprinkled them with the blood (required for all ancient contracts see also…) YHVH calls Moshe and his assistant, Yehoshua, to come up to the top. (Joshua waits just below the clouds.)

There YHVH provides the ten components to the Tabernacle — HIS EARTHLY DWELLING PLACE — and sends Moshe back down the mountain with the two stone tablets carved by His mighty finger.

An interesting and forgotten detail of this is that Moshe spent 40 days and nights with the Father atop Mount Sinai. During this time, he neither ate nor drank as he was in the presence of the Almighty and had no need for physical nourishment. Isn’t it also interesting that the wilderness into which Messiah traveled for his 40 days and nights is the same wilderness in Midian where Mount Sinai is located? It is the same place to which Sha’ul went when he escaped from Damascus (Acts), and the same Mount Sinai (Horeb) where Eliyahu spends time in communion and communication with the Father.

While one might try to connect these — once again to justify a pagan ritual — Moshe spent his time atop the mountain after Shavuot in the early summer, Yeshua before Passover in late winter, Eliyahu in the late summer, and Sha’ul most likely in the fall or over the winter. There was no “weeping for Tammuz” atop Mount Sinai by any of the four.

As Moshe returns down with Joshua to camp, they hear the noise of the celebration below. Joshua probably thinks, “Hey, a party! Let’s get down there.” But the Father already told Moshe what was going on. He’s enraged, probably shaking with fury.

They show up at the camp and the MANY have created for themselves a calf made of gold. This would be Hathor, the Egyptian cow goddess, most likely (also called Bet). They have created an altar onto which they are piling sacrifices. There is drunken revelry and discordant behavior. Women (and some men, too) have likely prostituted themselves to “bring worshippers to a higher state of ecstasy.”

Moshe comes closer and calls their attention — I suspect there was a bit of supernatural spiritual realm-ness to his voice. Like the shofars that blew on the day of Shavuot that grew louder without fading or diminishing that frightened the people so, Moshe cries out, “What are you idiots doing?!”

Adam pointed at Eve and said, “She made me do it.” Eve pointed at the serpent and said, “He made me do it.” Aaron pointed at the MANY and said, “They made me do it.”

He must have received a terrible look from Moshe that was quite disconcerting because he continued, “They brought me their gold, I threw it into the fire, and this idol popped out!”

Exodus 32:24 — ● “And I said to them, ‘Whoever has gold, let them take it off.’ And they gave it to me, and I threw it into the fire, and this calf came out.”

Exodus 32:19–30 — ● 19) And it came to be, as soon as he came near the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing. And Moshe’s displeasure burned, and he threw the tablets out of his hands and broke them at the foot of the mountain. 20) And he took the calf which they had made, and burned it in the fire, and ground it into powder, and scattered it on the face of the water and made the children of Yisra’ĕl drink it. 21) And Moshe said to Aharon, “What did this people do to you that you have brought so great a sin upon them?” 22) And Aharon said, “Do not let the displeasure of my master burn. You know the people, that it is in evil. 23) “And they said to me, ‘Make us mighty ones who go before us. For this Moshe, the man who brought us out of the land of Mitsrayim, we do not know what has become of him.’ 24) “And I said to them, ‘Whoever has gold, let them take it off.’ And they gave it to me, and I threw it into the fire, and this calf came out.” 25) And Moshe saw that the people were let loose, for Aharon had let them loose, to their shame among their enemies. 26) And Moshe stood in the entrance of the camp, and said, “Who is for יהוה? Come to me.” And all the sons of Lĕwi gathered themselves to him. 27) And he said to them, “Thus said יהוה Elohim of Yisra’ĕl: ‘Each one put his sword on his side, pass over to and fro from gate to gate in the camp, and each one kill his brother, and each one his friend, and each one his relative.’ ” 28a) And the sons of Lĕwi did according to the word of Moshe…

This is the first change to the original covenant. Instead of the first born from each household serving in the Tabernacle, He reassigns this duty to the Levites. Later in numbers, Moshe uses a census to confirm that there will not be any significant difference in the numbers serving as priests. Also remember, ancient contracts were sealed with blood. Also, the one(s) who violate the covenant is due the penalty stated within the contract for violating it — in this case: death.

●…28b) And about three thousand men of the people fell that day.

The Hebrew text says “ish”, men. This is the blood that seals the change to the original covenant, this change being the Levitical priesthood being established. (Before it was merely the first-born son from each family throughout each tribe. Now it is the sons of Levi.)

29) And Moshe said, “You are ordained for יהוה today — since each one has been against his son and his brother — so as to bring upon you a blessing today.” 30) And it came to be on the next day that Moshe said to the people, “You, you have sinned a great sin. And now I am going up to יהוה — if I might atone for your sin.”

There is so much in these verses. First, notice the number of the slain. Now read:

Acts 2:41 — ● Then those, indeed, who gladly received his word, were immersed. And on that day about three thousand beings were added to them.

The Interlinear does say 3,000 souls, not distinguishing male/female/child. Could this be a spiritual representation of those original 3,000 lost to sin?

And here is our type and shadow and PROMISE: Moshe climbs back up the mountain. He is innocent in this terrible event. He did not participate in idolatry (spiritual adultery). He did not partake in the drinking and the revelry. He did not engage a prostitute to elevate his mental state. He was righteously outraged! Like Messiah cleansing the Temple of the money changers, in full authority and approval of the Father, Moshe exerts the punishment of YHVH.

As you read on in this, this man, this lone man, the FEW, returns to the mountaintop to plead with the Father not to destroy the people entirely. He offers HIMSELF as the atoning sacrifice.

Exodus 32:31–35 — ● 31) And Moshe returned to יהוה and said, “Oh, these people have sinned a great sin, and have made for themselves a mighty one of gold! 32) “And now, if You would forgive their sin, but if not, please blot me out of Your book which You have written.”

It is not yet time for the ONE to be the atonement for all. It is after all of this that the sacrificial process for atonement is added to the covenant. There is another blood sprinkling. Tada! Sacrifices.

Instead, YHVH offers a level of forgiveness: I won’t kill them, but…

…● 33) And יהוה said to Moshe, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I blot him out of My book.

What did He tell Adam and Hav’vah? He said to them, on the day on which you eat of that fruit — on the day that you sin against Me — you shall surely die. Here, those that have transgressed, likely not only taken part, but led it, instigated it, inspired it, pushed for it, voted for it, called for it, gathered others around, and mob-ruled for the worship of the metal idol, they will be blotted from the book. Which book? Go read Revelation 21:27.

…● 34) “And now, go, lead the people to the place of which I have spoken to you. See, My Messenger goes before you. And in the day of My visitation I shall visit their sin upon them.” 35 And יהוה plagued the people because they made the calf, which Aharon made.

The MANY demanded a new leader, a god of gold. One they could carry before them. One they could see, touch, bow at the feet of. The MANY needed something more than faith. And these MANY… You just want to smack them. They witnessed the 10 plagues, crossed through the Red Sea while the pillar of fire held back the Egyptians, received all the other miracles along the way including the Rock of Rephidim splitting open and gushing with water, and they HEARD HIS VOICE! And yet, they still fell away.

We don’t get those things — most of us. Our faith must be stronger. They did receive those things and still fell back into their old lives of sin. There must be a way to fight off the temptations of the adversary, right?

Obedience to Him means doing it His Way. Doing it His Way protects us. His Way blesses us. His Way is narrow and difficult — not because of the obedience, but because of the persecution along the narrow way. And the saddest thing Messiah ever said was that so FEW would find that path and follow it… Follow Him down that path.

When you stand before Elohim and He asks you why you didn’t follow His Way, who will you point at? Your pastor? Your parents? Your spouse?


They made me NOT do it!

Revelation 14:12 — ● Here is the endurance of the set-apart ones, here are those guarding the commands of Elohim AND the belief of יהושע.

It isn’t belief VERSUS obedience, it’s belief AND obedience.

Next: Who’s Your King?




Gabriel Matthews

Retired educator living abroad. Follower in love of Messiah Yeshua. Father and husband. Author of MG/YA fiction, adult fiction, and Scriptural studies.