Don’t Be a Douche Canoe

A Simple Rule For Better Inter-Gender Relations

GB Dare
6 min readApr 26, 2023
An old canoe on a lake shore at sunrise.
This kind of canoe is great. A douche canoe is not! Photo by Pixabay:

Well, it’s happened again — actually twice. A couple of the big, swinging dicks in the news “infotainment” industry have lost their very lucrative jobs over… well, being big, swinging dicks.

In case you haven’t heard, Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News and Don Lemon is gone from CNN. I won’t go into the specific reasons for their firings, as that is being covered extensively elsewhere.

And by covered, I mean people are pulling complete guesses out of their asses because, obviously, Fox and CNN are not going to publicly air their dirty laundry and potentially create issues for themselves in any lawsuits that may arise as a result of the firings.

I think it’s pretty safe to assume that at least the main basic reason was the same in both cases though:

They were total douche canoes when it came to their interactions with, and discussions of, women.

It’s kind of surprising that the reason is likely so similar when these two men are, at least on the surface, so different.

I mean, one is an outspoken, obviously gay, politically-divisive, ageing pretty boy, and the other is Don Lemon.



GB Dare

Just a regular human writer musing on a variety of topics, including health and fitness, sexuality, and the general dysfunction of the world.